Accelerated Reading Time until 1:49
Place this in the proper place Student Planner March 14, 2017 Place this in the proper place 11 class days till notebook is collected. Make up missing work now.
Sign up to sell to Mr. V Drawing is Wednesday.
Essential Question: What shape of boat held the most cargo? Answer the EQ which was: Essential Question: What shape of boat held the most cargo? Answer after lab is completed
Summary: We had a standard opening. We started with a demonstration of a syphon, then went into the buoyancy lab constructing a boat of aluminum and filling it with paper clips. I learned…
Essential Question: What shape of boat held the most cargo? Topic/Objective: Name: Buoyancy lab Class/Period: Date: Mar 14, 2017 Essential Question: What shape of boat held the most cargo?
Warm Up
1. state of balance between gravitational force and buoyancy 1. state of balance between gravitational force and buoyancy. Object does not accelerate. a) Neutral buoyancy; b) Bernoulli’s principal; c) Drag; d) Hydraulic device ; e) Negative buoyancy; ab) Pneumatic device; ac) Positive buoyancy ; ad) Thrust
2. the gravitational forces exceed buoyant forces 2. the gravitational forces exceed buoyant forces. Object accelerates down. a) Neutral buoyancy; b) Bernoulli’s principal; c) Drag; d) Hydraulic device ; e) Negative buoyancy; ab) Pneumatic device; ac) Positive buoyancy ; ad) Thrust
3. a device that uses gas pressure to transmit energy from one point to another a) Neutral buoyancy; b) Bernoulli’s principal; c) Drag; d) Hydraulic device ; e) Negative buoyancy; ab) Pneumatic device; ac) Positive buoyancy ; ad) Thrust
4. the principle that states that as the speed of a moving fluid increases, its pressure decreases a) Neutral buoyancy; b) Bernoulli’s principal; c) Drag; d) Hydraulic device ; e) Negative buoyancy; ab) Pneumatic device; ac) Positive buoyancy ; ad) Thrust
1. state of balance between gravitational force and buoyancy 1. state of balance between gravitational force and buoyancy. Object does not accelerate. a) Neutral buoyancy; b) Bernoulli’s principal; c) Drag; d) Hydraulic device ; e) Negative buoyancy; ab) Pneumatic device; ac) Positive buoyancy ; ad) Thrust
1. state of balance between gravitational force and buoyancy 1. state of balance between gravitational force and buoyancy. Object does not accelerate. a) Neutral buoyancy; b) Bernoulli’s principal; c) Drag; d) Hydraulic device ; e) Negative buoyancy; ab) Pneumatic device; ac) Positive buoyancy ; ad) Thrust
2. the gravitational forces exceed buoyant forces 2. the gravitational forces exceed buoyant forces. Object accelerates down. a) Neutral buoyancy; b) Bernoulli’s principal; c) Drag; d) Hydraulic device ; e) Negative buoyancy; ab) Pneumatic device; ac) Positive buoyancy ; ad) Thrust
2. the gravitational forces exceed buoyant forces 2. the gravitational forces exceed buoyant forces. Object accelerates down. a) Neutral buoyancy; b) Bernoulli’s principal; c) Drag; d) Hydraulic device ; e) Negative buoyancy; ab) Pneumatic device; ac) Positive buoyancy ; ad) Thrust
3. a device that uses gas pressure to transmit energy from one point to another a) Neutral buoyancy; b) Bernoulli’s principal; c) Drag; d) Hydraulic device ; e) Negative buoyancy; ab) Pneumatic device; ac) Positive buoyancy ; ad) Thrust
3. a device that uses gas pressure to transmit energy from one point to another a) Neutral buoyancy; b) Bernoulli’s principal; c) Drag; d) Hydraulic device ; e) Negative buoyancy; ab) Pneumatic device; ac) Positive buoyancy ; ad) Thrust
4. the principle that states that as the speed of a moving fluid increases, its pressure decreases a) Neutral buoyancy; b) Bernoulli’s principal; c) Drag; d) Hydraulic device ; e) Negative buoyancy; ab) Pneumatic device; ac) Positive buoyancy ; ad) Thrust
4. the principle that states that as the speed of a moving fluid increases, its pressure decreases a) Neutral buoyancy; b) Bernoulli’s principal; c) Drag; d) Hydraulic device ; e) Negative buoyancy; ab) Pneumatic device; ac) Positive buoyancy ; ad) Thrust
Homework Study for Thursday quiz. Make up missing quizzes.
Today’s Work Buoyancy lab – finish it Read along page 168
Lab Instructions Find the density of your aluminum sheet- find the mass. The volume is 0.8 ml Draw your designs on the sheet. Construct your boats, and run the test. 4. Analyze the data 6 teams – 5 each
You are a member of a design engineering team. Your job is to design a boat that can hold the most weight in the state. Your boss is coming to see you in 20 minutes and wants to hear your ideas. In order to impress your boss, your team decides to build a working model of your design. Create two designs and compare. Use your best design boat to determine the amount of water displaced and compare the density to the density of the aluminum.
Draw this on the right hand side of today’s notes Best boat for cargo Period Boat shape Cargo 3 Half hot dog bun 225 4 Rectangular flat hull 129 5 Delta flat hull 209 6 208 7 Draw this on the right hand side of today’s notes