Workplace Equity Information Management System (WEIMS) Creating and Importing Files for FCP
TABLE OF CONTENTS Preparing Employee Data Employee.txt Before importing your data in WEIMS Create txt file and save it Import txt file created onto WEIMS
PREPARING EMPLOYEE DATA When importing data into WEIMS from a different application (i.e. an HR database), you will be required to manipulate the data to comply with WEIMS specifications. This will be achieved by creating the following TXT file: employee NOTE: To successfully import data into WEIMS, the files must be named according to the naming convention above.
EMPLOYEE.TXT SAMPLE File contains one record for every employee. If your organization has 200 employees, you must have 200 records. For FCP only permanent full time and part time employees must be included in this file. SAMPLE NOTE: Working with spreadsheets (Ex. Excel) makes it easier to manipulate data. However, WEIMS will only allow you to import Text Tab Delimited (txt) files. Spreadsheets can easily be saved as txt files. This process will be explained later.
EMPLOYEE.TXT COLUMN 1: EMPLOYEE NUMBER Maximum 20 characters. Can be letters or numbers or a combination of both. Must be unique (no duplicates).
EMPLOYEE.TXT COLUMN 2: CMA CODE Must be exactly 2 digits. Make sure zeros are included (if applicable). Must correspond to the values according to the Province and CMA codes under the Help Tab.
EMPLOYEE.TXT COLUMN 3: PROVINCE CODE Must be exactly 2 characters. CMA and Province code must correspond to one another. Must correspond to the values according to the Province and CMA codes under the Help Tab.
EMPLOYEE.TXT COLUMN 4: NOC CODE Must be exactly 4 digits. Must be a valid 4-digit NOC Code. See NOC Code Support Table: Note that WEIMS uses 2011 NOC Code.
EMPLOYEE.TXT COLUMN 5: NAICS CODE Must be exactly 4 digits. Must be a valid 4-digit NAICS Code. See NAICS Code Support Table: Note that WEIMS uses 2007 NAICS codes.
EMPLOYEE.TXT COLUMN 6: EMPLOYEE STATUS CODE Must be exactly 2 digits. Must correspond to the values according to the Employee Status Codes found under the help tab.
EMPLOYEE.TXT COLUMN 7: NOTES Column is required, but data is optional. Column is necessary for WEIMS to read data correctly.
EMPLOYEE.TXT COLUMN 8: GENDER Must be exactly 1 letter. Must be M (male) or F (female). Cannot leave cell blank or an error will occur.
EMPLOYEE.TXT COLUMN 9: SALARY FCP contractors are not required to report on salary. 0 must be included in each cell with no decimals, no dollar signs and no commas. Cannot leave cell blank or an error will occur
EMPLOYEE.TXT COLUMN 10: ABORIGINAL PEOPLES Must be 1 letter Must be Y (yes) or N (no) If employee did not self-id, N must be used as the default answer. Cannot leave cell blank or an error will occur.
EMPLOYEE.TXT COLUMN 11: MEMBERS OF VISIBLE MINORITIES Must be 1 letter. Must be Y (yes) or N (no). If employee did not self-id, N must be used as the default answer. Cannot leave cell blank or an error will occur.
EMPLOYEE.TXT COLUMN 12: PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES Must be 1 letter. Must be Y (yes) or N (no). If employee did not self-id, N must be used as the default answer. Cannot leave cell blank or an error will occur.
EMPLOYEE.TXT COLUMN 13: HIRE DATE Must be 10 characters. Format must be YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY/MM/DD (include dashes or slashes).
EMPLOYEE.TXT COLUMN 14: TERMINATION DATE Must be 10 characters. Format must be YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY/MM/DD (include dashes or slashes).
BEFORE IMPORTING YOUR DATA IN WEIMS All columns must be included and be in the order previously specified (employee.txt). Column headings must be removed. All rows must contain data – Except for the comment column.
CREATE TXT FILE AND SAVE IT Steps to save your spreadsheet in txt file format. Go to File ►Save As ►Then name the file as employee ►Next click on the arrow from the drop down menu for “ Save As Type” ► Then scroll through and select the option Text (Tab delimited) (*.txt) ► Then click on “ Save”.
IMPORT THE TEXT FILE CREATED ONTO WEIMS The import file must be named according to WEIMS specifications; employee. Final name once saved will be employee.txt