WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY Utilities & Energy Management Session Larry S. Fodor, CEM Director of Utilities & Energy Management March 17, 2005
Session Agenda Utility Cost Background Pharmacy Boiler Installation Chatsworth Boiler Installation Energy Tracking Software Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Utility Cost Background Utility costs have increased over the last several years Transition period from Fiscal Year 02 to Fiscal Year 03 Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Energy Intensity Electricity (kWh) + Gas (MCF) + Steam (Mlb) converted to KBTU Divide Total by Square Feet Measure of overall energy input annually Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Utility Costs Energy intensity has decreased yet utility costs have increased in the last several fiscal years Majority of increase can be assigned to purchased steam Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Factors Affecting Steam Rate Long term contract with DTE expired in Oct 02 DTE sold steam business in January 03 Variable monthly steam rates currently being charged by new owners Natural gas prices increased Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
In-House Steam Production Approximately half of buildings not using district steam Self generating steam rates $10.00 -$11.00 per Mlb with maintenance & PM’s Savings opportunity exist for self generating compared to district steam Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Steam Conversion Projects Pharmacy Boiler Installation Chatsworth Boiler Plant Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Wayne State University Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy & Health Science New Boiler Installation March 17, 2005
Pharmacy Building 270,000 square feet Completed in April 2002 Construction cost of $66.6 million Teaching and Research Facility Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Pharmacy Building Heating plant designed for district steam (due to budget constraints) Low pressure steam used for HVAC & domestic water heating High pressure steam used for process loads (sterilizers & others) Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Pharmacy Steam Costs FY04 (Oct 03 – Sep 04) Consumption was 35,454 Mlb Cost was $734,984 Average cost = $20.73 / Mlb Cost per Sq.Ft. = $2.72 (steam only) Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Boiler Design Challenges Lou Trama, President DiClemente Siegel Design Will outline some of the design challenges Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Boiler Sizing Determine existing steam profile Determine boiler size – 800 BHP or 32 million BTUH input Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Project Cost Total project cost was $1.5 million Limbach Company was the mechanical contractor Project completed on time Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Boiler Location Location of new gas fired boiler Weight of boiler is 60,000 pounds Structural considerations Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Redundant Steam How to handle redundant steam service Integration with district steam system Control of steam from boiler and district steam Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Rigging Boiler How to get 60,000 pound boiler in existing building? Boiler rigged through roof Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Gas Service Upgrading of natural gas service 5 psi gas required at boiler gas train Coordination with local gas utility Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Savings Projected savings of $300,000 annually Anticipated cost of self generated steam = $11.15, 46% reduction from district steam Includes maintenance & electricity for boiler Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Savings Simple Payback of 5.0 years Cost per sq. Ft. = $1.43 (steam only), 47% reduction compared to district steam Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Questions? Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY Chatsworth Steam Plant Boiler Plant Installation March 17, 2005
Background Chatsworth Apartments, DeRoy Apartments and Student Center Building in the immediate area All currently using district steam Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Steam Statistics Three building steam load is 35,000 Mlb annually Student Center uses steam for heating, domestic water heating & cooling (steam absorber) Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Steam Statistics DeRoy Apartments uses steam for heating, domestic water heating & cooling (steam absorber) Chatsworth uses steam for heating only (gas domestic water heating; no air conditioning) Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Steam Statistics Current district steam cost is $725,500 annually Average cost per Mlb = $20.73 (FY04) Total Sq. Ft. is 552, 300 Average cost per Sq. Ft. is $1.31 (steam only) Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Self Generating Option Existing self generating buildings generate steam for about $10.00 - $11.00 per Mlb Approximately half of purchased district steam rate Large potential for savings if we self-generate Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Self Generating Option Peter Basso Associates commissioned to perform feasibility study, and later design of plant Brian Runde, Vice President of Peter Basso will describe this initiative & design challenges Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Feasibility Study District steam currently comes into Chatsworth and then branches to feed Student Center Opportunity to install plant to feed Chatsworth, DeRoy and Student Center Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Feasibility Study Study indicates annual savings of $353, 230 Project cost is $3.3 million Simple Payback of 9.34 years Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Location of Plant Chatsworth Apartments was built in 1926. Originally had its own steam plant (coal fired) Investigated if new plant could be installed there Also, unused former underground parking garage as potential location Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Design of Plant Existing boiler room in Chatsworth was too small and restrictive Former parking garage was large enough but had restrictive height Boiler load was 30,000 lb per hour Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Design of Plant Three 350 BHP to meet load Fourth 350 boiler as back-up Use multiple smaller boiler in lieu of larger to meet height restrictions & optimize efficiency during light loads Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
SCHEMATIC LAYOUT Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
PIPING DIAGRAM Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Design of Plant Existing chimney appeared to be in good shape Later inspected and verified to be in good shape Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Boilers in Garage How to get boilers in garage? First approach to lower through garage roof in front of building Later approach to lower down existing ramp Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Design Challenges Installing breeching to existing chimney from garage New gas service – 2 psi required at burner 10 psi gas main Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Design Challenges Electrical service upgrade New service from New Residence Tower Tie into existing apartment electrical service Steam plant on back-up generator Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Results Currently under construction L A Mechanical is the contractor To be completed in August of 2005 Anticipated savings of $350,000 annually Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Results Self generated steam rate of $9.50 per Mlb (including maintenance & PMs), 54% reduction from district steam Cost per Sq. Ft. = $0.60, 54% reduction from district steam Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Questions ? Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Wayne State University Energy Tracking Software Energy Cap March 17, 2005
Energy Tracking Software Energy Cap FY05 General Fund utility budget is over $22 million No energy tracking software until recently Utility budgets were handled on a utility by utility macro basis Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Energy Tracking Software Energy Cap 130 buildings General & Non General Fund 8.5 million square feet of buildings 2.5 million square feet of parking decks Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Software Requirements Software capable of tracking cost, utility units, budget, generating reports Track by building Produce meaningful reports Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Energy Tracking Software Energy Cap Software chosen was Energy Cap Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Energy Tracking Software Energy Cap Utilities Electricity Natural Gas Steam Water Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Energy Tracking Software Energy Cap Over 400 monthly invoices 5,000 invoices per fiscal year Multiple fields per invoice Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Energy Tracking Software Energy Cap Example Report Account Summary by Commodity (BL04) Old Main FY04 Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Energy Tracking Software Energy Cap Example Reports Cost Center Summary by Commodity (BL10) Chatsworth Annex, Forest Apartments Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Energy Tracking Software Energy Cap Example Report Energy Index Summary for apartments (AN08) FY04 Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Energy Tracking Software Energy Cap Example Report Energy Index Summary for Parking Decks 1 thru 6 FY04 Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Energy Tracking Software Energy Cap Example Report Budget Report – still being developed Historical data will help define budget patterns Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Questions? Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Thank You Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005
Presenters Lou Trama, P.E. DiClemente Siegel Design Brian Runde, P.E. 248.569.1430 ltrama@dsdonline.com Brian Runde, P.E. Peter Basso Associates 248.879.5666 brunde@pbanet.com Larry Fodor, CEM Wayne State University 313.577.4352 l.fodor@wayne.edu Winter MiAPPA Meeting March 16 - 17, 2005