Bellwork: “Love Song of Prufrock” What evidence can you find in the poem that J. Alfred is INSECURE? Choose 2 allusions in the poem, and discuss WHY Eliot (might have) included them Time: 5 minutes CLASS CAPTAINS ! (You GET to be Ms HB today!) Period 1: Kate & Tim Period 2: Teairah & Gabe Period 3: Tracie & Quentin
Homework 1 Minute to copy! NEW ONGOING Prepare for Modernism In-Class Assessment 12/6 (1, 2, 3, 4); 12/9 (7) Vocabulary Unit O Chantei, Austin, Ricky, (Ms HB,) Melisa CHECK YOUR EMAIL… I send you a bunch of good links Coached Project December 13—all items DUE December 19—Presentation Day Word Bank Tempus Trackers Book Reviews for MP2
Journal: “Putting Stevens in Perspective” Report-Out: 10 minutes (From Last Class) Poem Order: “Disillusionment of Ten O’Clock” “Peter Quince at the Clavier” “Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird” What to take notes on/report out on: Theme Major Literary Devices What the critical article had to say Traits (characteristics) of Modernism
Prufrock Cartoon
Journal: “Love Song Intepretations” NOW answer with your groups: Why is this poem called “The LOVE SONG of J. Alfred Prufrock”? CITE A DETAIL Why is J. Alfred Prufrock’s major “problem”? CITE A DETAIL TIME: 5 minutes
Journal: “What You Should Know about Prufrock” (COPY THIS!) Intro is from Dante’s Inferno (in Italian): it’s a man who is in the 8th circle of Hell (a BAAAD dude) talking to Dante about his experiences It’s basically the story of an insecure man, J. Alfred Prufrock, who’s afraid to make a pass at any woman b/c he fears rejection Major literary devices: allusions, personification, free verse, alliteration, assonance, internal rhyme, anaphora Themes/Topics: alienation, paralysis (inability to do anything or make decisions), fragmentation, appearance (perceptions) versus reality
Journal: “Stein & Symbols” Choose your role: Stein Impersonator Reads the poems aloud Discussion Leader Makes sure everyone participates Symbologist In charge of determining the meaning of the symbols Reporter (reports!?) Time: 10 minutes As a table, choose one of the poem groupings: GROUP 1: “Tender Buttons [a Box] “ Group 2: “A Mounted Umbrella” “A Frightful Release” Group 3: “Susie Asado” “Red Faces” Reread the poem(s) OUT LOUD Discuss & take notes on what the objects might symbolize Discuss & take notes on the SONIC (sound) devices that Stein utilized!
Journal: “Modernism Assessment!” What to Study/Do/Know: Review the “Modernism Assessment Rubric” that I gave to you “Notes on Modernism” “Modernism” section of “American Literature Between the Wars” Review ALL THE POEMS (except Prufrock and grasshopper) Review the poetic terms on the MODERNISM STUDY GUIDE & the definition of Modernism on that page CHECK OUT THE WIKI FOR ANY MISSING INFORMATION! We’ll be IN THE ROOM instead of the computer lab (History Day has used up all the labs…) If you will not be here, you need to come up with a VIABLE PLAN to complete this very important assignment