TARGET OF LEARNING Student can explain and demonstrate the way of using equipments of Painting Student can explain over lapping Student can explain difference of painting of oven and run dry air Teknologi dan Rekayasa
VANISH THE CORROTION A GOOD PAINTING INFLUENCED BY : Smooth surface Cleans from corrotion Cleans from grease etc Teknologi dan Rekayasa
VANISH THE CORROTION Chemistry rule pickling Smear up the body by pickling To stop corrotion at the metal Sanding To vanish the spot and the corrotion Teknologi dan Rekayasa
PREPARATION OF SURFACE PUTTY function filling unflat part or damage inside. Shaping angle. Smoothing surface Teknologi dan Rekayasa
PREPARATION OF SURFACE STEP OF PUTTYING clear of dirt, fat of oil, other dirt and water. Mixed putty by 2 % hardener. flimsy wrapper flatten and dried. After dry putty later then SANDPAPER. Cleaning with multythinner and dry. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
PREPARATION OF SURFACE SANDPAPER After putty is dry, parts of uppermost is SANDPAPER Manually and Mechanical with sander PLACE SANDPAPER # 80 AT SANDER Rub from front rear. From from other sideing aside. All diagonal direction. PLACE SANDPAPER # 120 AT HAND BLOCK AND RUB. PLACE SANDPAPER # 200 AT HAND BLOCK AND RUB. STEP SANDPAPER Teknologi dan Rekayasa
PREPARATION OF SURFACE PREPARATION PROCESS Cleaning with multi thiner and dry. SANDPAPER with dry SANDPAPER. Cleaning with multi thiner Drying Teknologi dan Rekayasa
USAGE OF PAINT PRIMARY Douche 1 - 2 mix by primary coat of hardener. CONDUCT At re-painted surface. Douche 1 - 2 mix by primary coat of hardener. Conduct every 5 – 10 minute once. Let more or less 5 hour. SANDPAPER surface of primary paint with dry SANDPAPER. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
USAGE OF BODY SEALER application sealer body at part of fold at vehicle panel example of at engine hood, trunk/ lid boot ( baggage behind), door, brake canvas / coupling, or even at panel quarter and also at all of sheet cutting different metal to be jointed Teknologi dan Rekayasa
USAGE OF BODY SEALER Appearance Strength Lessening transformation Excellence of adhesive power of seal can include: Appearance Extension only just seen Strength Division of strength which flatten at surface Lessening transformation Lessening rust/ korosi Body sealer lessen opportunity the happening of action of elektrolitik among two different materials. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
USAGE OF BODY SEALER weakness of body sealer that is 1) Health trouble 2) Risk burnt and Burst 3) Limitation at temperature 4) Difficulty of inspection 5) Expensif Teknologi dan Rekayasa
USAGE OF BODY SEALER Type of sealer, that is 1) Temperature type Low, with temperature 0 until 15 C 2) Medium of Temperature type, with temperature 15 until 35 C 3) High Temperature type, with temperature 35 until 45 C Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Type sealer of polyurethane, that is: USAGE OF BODY SEALER Type sealer of polyurethane, that is: 1) Sealer type black Body of cartridge 2) Sealer type white Body of cartridge 3) Sealer type white Body of tube Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Application process of sealer at vehicle bodi that is USAGE OF BODY SEALER Application process of sealer at vehicle bodi that is 1) direct, that is sealer nub with cream directly at bodi 2) Gun Spray, that is extant sealer melt to be mixed with Hardener sprayed 3) Gun Sealer, that is cartridge sealer attached by appliance Teknologi dan Rekayasa
From some ways above, which at most used is to use gun sealer, that is USAGE OF BODY SEALER From some ways above, which at most used is to use gun sealer, that is 1) Manual type 2) Electrical Type 3) Type of Pneumatik Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Several things which need to be paid attention USAGE OF BODY SEALER Several things which need to be paid attention In application of sealer use sealer of is same merk Sealer will decrease its quality after old age 6 months Keep and primary of adhesive at dry place Don'T open primary cover and of adhesive is otherwise used If perapat attached by at painted area, ascertaining coat paint have run dry If bodi will be painted, protect sealer of paint Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Application of Bodi Sealer USAGE OF BODY SEALER Cleaning and eliminating grease ( degreasing) truncate cartridge nozzle. Application of Bodi Sealer. Top Coat Application of Bodi Sealer Bodi Sealer application, after draining process and emery of surfacer finely but before application of top coat ( final painting ) Teknologi dan Rekayasa
USAGE OF BODY SEALER Application of body sealer Cleaning and eliminating grease ( degreasing) Keen of nozzle cartridge Application of Bodi Sealer First, determining which shares you'd stand up, before strarting application of bodi sealer second, setling left hand to hold gun sealer and forefinger triger. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
USAGE OF BODY SEALER Third, withdrawal of movement and trigger at sealer gun have to be constant fixed Fourth take care of sealer gun remain to parallel alongside mark with lines where application sealer bodi Fifth, form of sealer wanted will not be obtained by if nozzle do not be placed by at real correct angle to panel of bodi. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
PROCEDURE of MASKING MASKING PROCEDURE Pursuant to coat area and painting method. Masking for the application of surfacer.. Masking for the block of repainting. Masking for the shading of or of spot repainting. CHOSENING BORDER Representing area dissociating painted area and which do not be painted Border at gap among panels. Border at extension culminate from character line. Border at part of which flatten Teknologi dan Rekayasa
USAGE OF SURFACER Kinds of him : Lacquer surfacer Urethene surfacer Surfacer is coat paint second After primary paint. After putty. Have the character filling incision. Preventing absorbtion of top coat. Smoothing down adhesion among under coat and of top coat. SURFACER Kinds of him : Lacquer surfacer Urethene surfacer Thermosetting amino alkyd surfacer Teknologi dan Rekayasa
CHECKING OFF COLOUR PAINT Analysing old paint Paint type Brightness of Paint Iustre Paint Paint materials Prepare Accomodating Mixing Is mingled step by step Check viscosity Check according to colour Teknologi dan Rekayasa
CHECKING OFF COLOUR PAINT old Paint Sampel Analysed Conclusion of Type, Iustre warnadan Prepare colour card From colour catalogue From computer printout adaptation of Colour new Paint Sampel Materials paint comparison Assesment Mixing repeat if not yet snugly Check once ladi Is ready to used Note comparison Teknologi dan Rekayasa
CHECKING OFF COLOUR PAINT Card colour example Teknologi dan Rekayasa
USAGE OF SPRAYGUN MOVING SPRAYGUN. distance of Spraygun. angle of Spraygun. Speed of step swing. Overlaping/overlap pattern. Way of holding. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
USAGE OF SPRAYGUN Distance of Spraygun General = 15 – 20 cm Untuk jenis acrylic lacquer = 10 – 20 cm Enamel = 15 – 25 cm Spraying moment.: Parallel body of object work Following activity object form, tortous or level off. Spraying direction 90 degree. Spraying is from the top of downwards. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
USAGE OF SPRAYGUN SPEED OF PAINTING. Stabilize goodness of horizontal and also is vertical. Too tardy, paint will melt. Untimely, paint scraggly Unstable, paint less flatten and is not lustrous. Its speed about 12 feet / second. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
USAGE OF SPRAYGUN OVERLAPING ITS TARGET Painting at activity object , so that first spraying and second will joint.. ITS TARGET Avoiding the happening of attenuating. Avoiding difference of colour Thick of paint flatten Preventing inexistence paint at first coat and second
REPAINTING FINAL PAINTING. PAINTING OF COLOUR of SOLID. Giving : Protection of surface. Creating the beauty of, pattern and performa of vehicle. PAINTING OF COLOUR of SOLID. Spraying 3-5 enduing solid coat top a time gap 2-5 minute.. Polishing to be conducted by during 6 hour. Drying 30 minute. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
FINAL PAINTING METALLIC PAINTING Spraying 3 enduing metallic coat top a time gap 3-5 minute Drying during 15 minute. Cleaning surface of top coat with dust-cloth of dirt. Spraying 2-3 enduing or clear of gloss mix by of hardener a time gap 3-5 minute. Let to run dry during 1 hour. Polishing to be conducted by during 6 hour Teknologi dan Rekayasa
DRYING PROCESS PAINTING OF OVEN. Process in closed room with temperature 80 degree of celcius.. PAINTING of NON OVEN. Painting in room do not closed with external temperature 25 – 30 degree of celcius. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
BASED ON TYPE PAINT PROCESS PAINTING DRYING PROCESS BASED ON TYPE PAINT PROCESS PAINTING Kinds of him : Thermosetting animo alkyd Thermosetting acrylic 1. Heat polymerization Paint one komponnen, hard at temperature 140 degree of celcius. 2. PAINT of TWO COMPONENT.(urathane type) Having ability of good coating. Hold up to gleam. Weather Solvent Smooth Tekstur. 3. PAINT of SOLVENT EVAPORATION (Lacquer) Teknologi dan Rekayasa
THE END DRYING PROCESS DRYING Drying Give time setting during 10 - 15 minute., Dried by about 50 minute at temperature 60°C. DRYING Flash Time that is time where paint let by before sprayed next coat. For the paint of urethane acrylic, flash time 3 - 5 minute at temperature 20°C. (b) Setting Time Paint let by during 10 — 20 minute to give opportunity of solvent condense naturally. THE END Teknologi dan Rekayasa