The Ward Family
Pleroma Bible Church Elders Building Dedication Weekend June 2-4 Speakers: Pleroma Bible Church Elders Ron Merryman Dan Inghram Rick King Bret Nazworth
2017 Memorial Day Conference North Stonington Bible Church Lesson #1: Peter the Encourager Luke 22:31-32
Peter the Encourager Introduction Peter’s understanding of the Truth is often overshadowed by Paul’s understanding. Peter’s impulsiveness is often countered by John’s reserve. Neglecting the study of Peter means missing out on a gold mine of understanding God’s grace at work.
“to fix firmly, strengthen” Luke 22:31-32 Jesus Prayed for Peter Knowing that Peter would return to fellowship, the Lord commanded Peter to encourage the others upon that return. sthri/zw STERIZO “to fix firmly, strengthen” Peter fulfilled this command in a number of ways, including his teaching – 2 Peter 1:12.
“to become acquainted” Galatians 1:18 Fifteen Days with Peter Paul spent two weeks with Peter for the expressed purpose of getting to know him. i9store/w HISTOREO “to become acquainted” Peter’s message of encouragement may have included his own failure and God’s grace forgiveness and restoration to service.
1 and 2 Peter Peter’s Teaching Encourages Peter’s epistles warn of Satan’s persecution and Satan’s ministers – 1 Peter 5:8; 2 Peter 2:1-3. Although Peter suffered, Peter used Jesus as the example of suffering for righteousness sake – 1 Peter 2:18-25. Peter identified the enemy’s attempt to move us from depending upon the Lord.
Beware of False Teachers 2 Peter 2:1-3 provides three areas to evaluate the message. vs. 1 – deny the Person or work of Christ. vs. 3a – improper motives. vs. 3b – wrong vocabulary. 2 John 7-10 – we must practice discernment. 2 Corinthians 11:4, 13-15 – how to identify a false teacher. vs. 4 – preach another Jesus with a different Gospel. Vs. 13-15 – possess their own source of power. We must practice discernment – 2 John 7-10. If we fail to develop discernment between truth and error then we will be worshipping a god other than the God of the Bible – if you have the wrong Christ, then you have the wrong God. If we are not trained to think Biblically then we are going to adopt much of the world’s thinking and therefore exchange the worship of the Creator for worship of the creature. Biblical discernment gives us the ability to avoid worshipping a false god by detecting false teaching.
1 and 2 Peter Faith dependence Our faith is nothing apart from the Person and work of Jesus Christ – John 6:68-69. The enemy seeks to destroy the faith through confusion – 2 Peter 3:14-18. Our faith is precious and it’s value is proven in testing – 2 Peter 1:1; 1 Peter 1:6-9.
Identified with Christ Colossians 3:1-4 Romans 5:12 Gospel Old Identity Spiritual Death -R Condemned 2 Corinthians 5:17 Colossians 2:10-14 1 Peter 1:13 Righteousness Life Priesthood Sonship Election Inheritance New Identity Faith Eph. 6:10-18
live by faith” – Habakkuk 2:4 Salvation Reality Permanent Reality Saved from the Penalty of sin Titus 2:11 Colossians 3:1 Future Reality Saved from the Presence of sin Titus 2:13 Colossians 3:4 Present Reality Saved from the Power of sin Titus 2:12 Colossians 3:2-3 Rapture “The Righteous shall live by faith” – Habakkuk 2:4 Believer in Time R.C. Ward, October 2005; adapted from a chart by Ronald C. Merryman
1 and 2 Peter Faith dependence Knowing we have an enemy seeking to destroy us keeps us focused on depending upon the Lord – 1 Peter 5:9. While casting our cares upon the Lord, we should also be in the business of caring for each other – 1 Peter 4:7-11.
Peter the Encourager Closing Thoughts: Peter’s compassion for fellows saints flows deeply in his epistles. Peter was ready to provide encouragement built from the truth of God’s Word – 2 Peter 1:12-15. We should remember Peter for his encouraging ministry.