SPOR Network in Diabetes and its Related Complications Co-Scientific Leads: Gary Lewis, Jean-Pierre Després Executive Director: Cathy Whiteside
Transform the health outcomes of all Canadians with diabetes using meaningful clinical research-derived evidence to launch data platforms and new technologies that enable rapid patient-empowered knowledge translation, quality improvement and new health policy.
Catalyze Change to Prevent Diabetes Complications Diabetes Action Canada 1. People with diabetes and Caregivers identify factors for preventing complications 2. Research, Knowledge Translation and Education for evidence- based solutions 3.Governments, Diabetes Organizations, and Industry invest in solutions Inform Develop Act
Major Goals of our Network First national diabetic retinopathy screening program. First national diabetes registry and surveillance system. A national diabetes clinical trials centre in diabetes complications. Move new knowledge generated by the network and other research into practice. Train current and future health leaders.
Patient engagement – our core success factor Francophone (6-8 Persons) 2 Persons Indigenous New Immigrant 10 – 15 Persons General Patient Council Lines represent connections with larger communities of people affected by diabetes
Sustainable Impact – a model for effective public-private partnerships We are planning for beyond 5 years by….. Training and mentoring the next generation of patient-oriented researchers in collaboration with the Canadian Diabetes Association Filling the funding gap – business plans that leverage new funds from public and private sectors Strategic investment by Provincial Ministries of Health – health informatics, new policy (ROI).
We have a unique National Network with Why will we succeed? We have a unique National Network with …the right experts, informed by committed patient advisors; …addressing the right questions about the most vulnerable at high risk; …collaborating with the right partners from public and private sectors; …led by strong governance and a business model/plan; …driven by goals with a timeline for delivery; …to generate outcomes with impact; and, …designed for sustainability from the outset.
“If you want to go FAST go ALONE If you want to go FAR Go TOGETHER.” African prov.