Strategies to Increase Synthetic Turf Field Inventory


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Presentation transcript:

Strategies to Increase Synthetic Turf Field Inventory TODD/CHRIS Provide individual and agency backgrounds Summarize model for youth sports/athletics in Fairfax County, groups administer/manage programs, NCS schedules, FCPA maintains/manages properties Talk about 10 year journey since 1st 2 fields in 2003/2004 to 70 fields in 2014 with 10+ more planned/funded No tournament complex, generally 1-2 fields per park/school Presented by: Fairfax County Government

Strategy 1: Demonstrate the need 2004 Park Authority Needs Assessment Identified a shortage of 90+ rectangular fields in Fairfax County Despite Park Authority owning over 9% of the land, development opportunities were limited and expensive Goal was to increase rectangular field inventory through conversion to turf Turf conversion provides 62% increase in field playing capacity TODD Not the typical scenario of trying to save maintenance/operations dollars Desperate need for fields for youth sports demand for 1.2 million people Parks have 275 fields, schools have 500 fields Established a specific goal, 2004 Needs Assess identified need for 90+ rectangle fields, Rectangle- soccer/lacrosse/field hockey/football/rugby/cricket Parks 275 fields at 110 parks(2.5 fields per), schools 500 fields at 175 locations(3 fields per) No tournament complex, limited opportunities & very expensive land Balancing mission Preserve and Protect with Provide Recreation Ops 62% math is 50% increase from 8 months to 12 month playing season and 12% no longer impacted by weather – this was the original estimate, actual impact is a bit higher

After Conversion Before Conversion TODD Picture of field before and after conversion very typical field, 8 month playing season Point out wear and tear on before picture- beat up field, with annual goal mouth/mid field sodding required Point out amenities and features on second picture- fencing, ADA paths, new lights, lined for multiple sports, 12 month season

Strategy 2: Get support from community sports groups In Fairfax County, government agencies schedule the fields and maintain the properties, while local youth and adult sports organizations run the programs Community groups have significant cash flow and/or resources to establish a line of credit Example: McLean Youth Soccer developed 6 fields without significant county resources TODD Get Support from Community Sports Groups, very strong advocacy, 1/3 Park Board with sports background Parks and schools own property, Parks maintains and NCS allocates and groups administer and charge fees for programs Groups have memberships in the 1000’s, charge approx $150/season for “house” and $5000/annual for “travel” McLean Youth Soccer and $7M bank credit to convert/develop fields, demonstrates cash flow capacity Drives bond results in addition to $$ contributed

Strategy 3: Create a grant program Fairfax County created the “Mini-Grant” program Partnership with community sports groups and booster clubs to convert fields Helps groups that cannot fully fund field conversions Funded by participation fees paid to the county 12 fields have been converted through this program CHRIS Create Grants for Field Development $100K to $175K to match groups to develop/convert fields $5.50 application fee introduced in 2004, only revenue from sports in County, 50% of 1.1M comes from rectangle field participants Athletic Council advisory to County BOS determined how the money was spent, subcommittee reviewed applications One field completely funded by the $5.50 fee(Braddock Park) Program has evolved and this revenue supports “development fund” and “replacement reserve” currently

Strategy 4: Utilize commercial development proffers As new commercial development occurred in the county, park proffers were directed to Park Authority Developers were asked to provide “turn-key” parks with synthetic turf fields as the main focus Examples: Arrowbrook Park and Jackson Middle School TODD Park Authority worked with Supervisors and Planning Commissioners to direct development proffers to turn key field development Arrowbrook Park, Luther Jackson MS and recently Sully Highlands Park(2 synthetics and 5 diamonds) Quicker and more efficient that using established formula to provide “impact” monies for parks, schools, etc…… Staff and sports groups very involved, county standards followed to ensure got exactly what requested

Strategy 5: Partner with schools Non-high school property was converted to turf fields to address issues of equal distribution throughout the county Park Authority provided additional funding to include lights Community use of all school properties includes over 500 fields and is viewed as a model of collaboration by a recent Centers for Disease Control review CHRIS Full community use of elementary and middle school fields, partial use of high school athletic fields including stadiums, new access with synthetics Geographically everyone wanted a piece of the pie and we wanted to distribute evenly as possible, parks had to use school property Elementary school, middle school and “center”- Baileys ES, Sandburg MS, Bryant Center Parks also funded lights when possible to increase the field use/capacity CHRIS- CDC thoughts

Strategy 6: Partner with school booster clubs Booster clubs in Fairfax County have resources and fund raising mechanisms to support youth sports Booster clubs help support the 2 field model to increase community use (stadium vs. practice fields) Booster clubs also provide funding to maintain converted fields CHRIS 25 high schools, 1st field in 2006, all 25 with synthetic turf summer 2015? Most with “2 field model”=stadium & practice field Booster Clubs support High School sports as funding does not meet needs despite Billion dollar budget Booster Clubs partnered with youth groups, applied for mini-grants and established reserve for replacement They supported 2 field model which provided maximized community use Booster Clubs support maintenance and operations of the synthetics

Strategy 7: Encourage Park Foundation support Fairfax County Park Foundation is a 501C3 organization that raises funds in support of Park Authority projects Example: the Park Foundation worked with a widow to memorialize her husband through at the Lt. Col. Gary Smith Field at Grist Mill Park $200K donation kick started partner fundraising and addition of project to CIP and Park Bond TODD Park Foundation accepts donations to improve park system, fundraising arm of FCPA Develops annual project list to raise funds for including programs scholarships, land acquisition, park development(CLEMYJONTRI) Anne Smith made $200K donation to memorialize husband Lt Col. Gary Smith Pentagon contractor 9-11

Strategy 8: Secure Capital Improvement Bond Park Authority Capital Improvement Program is funded through General Obligation Bonds every 4 years Turf fields were funded through bonds in 2004, 2006, 2008 and 2012 The 2006 “interim” park bond ($10M) for 12 turf conversions demonstrates the priority for the county TODD Park Authority on 4 year Bond cycle for CIP, 2004 needs assessment identified $400M+ need-land aq, new facilities, renovations, natural/cultural resource management Some synthetic conversions on every bond since 2004 and 2006 “interim” bond only synthetics(12 fields for $10M), trails and land acquisition Very difficult for FCPA Board to balance needs/priorities, yet synthetics priority last 4 Park Bonds

Strategy 9: Streamline processes and utilize contracts Significant time and money are saved by streamlining development and procurement processes Park Authority worked with Department of Planning and Zoning on conversion of fields Use of national contracts like US Communities for fields streamlined the procurement process TODD Development process determination that conversion did not need major site plan and public input process, only needed minor site plan Design and permitting schedule cut in ½ to approx. 6-9 months with 3 month construction Partnered with DPWES-”public works” to expand sub base to realize additional stormwater retention capacity, County support and buy in, Zoning and PW on our side Use variety of procurement/contract alternatives, rode existing contracts US communities

Strategy 10: Communicate and celebrate Keep partners and stakeholders informed of plan development Synthetic Turf Task Force played a key role in developing recommendations and communicating with stakeholders Celebrate successes with ground breaking and ribbon cutting events Keep the momentum going CHRIS Athletic council brought all stakeholders together, mini grants awarded by AC committee Variety of means kept synthetic turf fields in the conversation-Monthly updates to AC, all the ground breakings and ribbon cuttings events with all stakeholders competition/jealousy amongst sports groups and high schools drives advocacy and fundraising Momentum still going Synthetic turf task force established by BOS and School Board to develop plan to replace the fields, only 3 of 70 Replaced to date, reserve established, general fund support, groups ready to reinvest and others want to participate
