1 Results of a Biome-BGC Monte Carlo Experiment on the SZTAKI Desktop Grid P. Ittzés1, A. Cs. Marosi2, Z. Barcza1, F. Horváth1 1. MTA Centre for Ecological Research 2. MTA Institute for Computer Science and Control MS11 BioVel workshop, Budapest 6-7 June 2013 www.biovel.eu
Overview, Again ECOS Server SZTAKI Desktop Grid Portal BBGC - Taverna workbench - Biovel Portal Database Volunteer clients Web services
1. Biome-BGC Computation time on PC 3 1. Biome-BGC Computation time on PC Biome-BGC v4.1.1 MPI version Spinup and normal simulation is executed in all cases Experiment have been performed on Windows XP PC with Intel Core2 Duo E4500 processor running at 2.2 GHz frequency
PC vs. SZTAKI Demo Grid (15 PC 24/7 + 113 volunteers) 8.83056 days vs. ~8 hours ~25x speedup
SZTAKI Desktop Grid
7 Report and results...