Film storyboard project Outsourced India Film Name: Amal Jabaal ID: H00233245Q
Dimensions 1-Power distance (PDI) 2-Individualism and collectivism (IDV) 3-Uncertainty avoidance (UAI) 4-Masculinity vs. femininity (MAS) 5-Long term orientation vs. short term orientation (LTO) 6-Indulgence vs. restraint (IND)
The Mr. Toad met Pure. Power distance (PDI): When the Pure saw the Taad he said mister that mean have high position and estimation . So, we can call the high power distance it is call the other people by nickname for example, Dr, Mr,Ms,Sr, before the name . /lesson/hofstedes-power- distance-definition- examples-quiz.html
The manager said of Tood come to office! Indulgence vs. restraint (IND): The manager must be control and Commitment when his eating food on time or in food room .That mean be more Commitment and respect for the employees and workers.. m/cross-cultural- training/blog/indulgence-vs- restraint-6th-dimension/
When Tood arrive to India Indulgence vs. restraint (IND): He saw Someone pee in the street. That look improper also, it seems bad look for visitors and residents in the area.
When Mr. Tood met Pure family Indulgence vs. restraint (IND): Pure said to Mr. Tood don’t place hand and back on the food and shouldn't eat for left hand . It is mean told to Toad be restrained and more tactful in the India society.
Mr. Tood teach the students. Masculinity vs. femininity (MAS): In the India society it is allow to teaching student female and male together that relate of the this dimension . That main could in India society mixing together. ~tidwell/bsad560/Hofstede Masculinity.html
When Tood fell on the ground he saw Macdonnlz ads. Uncertainty avoidance (UAI): He saw the advertising and faster to taxi and went to the scene of the announcement did not find what he want “Burger” That mean tood don’t sure if the restraint provide the meals it is relate to uncertainty avoidance(UAL).
Mr.Tood call to Ayesha come to office. Individualism and collectivism (IDV): The Mr.Tood told to Ayesha work to business together. This is because is the best student in the class and he want to sharing business.
Tood call the boy come to give his game !! Indulgence vs. restraint (IND): The boy hug Tood and he steals the phone when the boy hug tood after that escape. It is bad method to know the children and that can not restraint them.
References: Bibliography Bibliography (2001). Retrieved from Hofstede: Masculinity / Femininity: Hofstede's Power Distance. (2003, May 12). Retrieved from MacLachlan, M. (2015). Indulgence vs. Restraint – the 6th Dimension. Retrieved from communicaid: