Cats. Abyssinian American Shorthair Burmese Cornish Rex.
Top 10 Cat Breeds of the United States. Persian Affectionate & loyal Need groomed every day #1 breed since 1871 Flat face with round eyes.
Breed Identification Veterinary Science CDE. Sporting Dogs Brittany Cocker Spaniel English Setter English Springer Spaniel German Shorthaired Pointer.
Cat Breeds for NOCTI By: Chris Paul. Abyssinian Today's Abyssinian retains a resemblance to the noble cats depicted in ancient Egyptian statues. The breed.
CAT BREEDS. EYES Kittens open their eyes at 7-10 days – they are blue. Range of eye colors develops from orange to shades of amber and green to blue.
ACT - Cat Breeds1. 2 Persian Longhaired Breed The most popular breed of cat in American since 1871 Generally placid and gentle Good mothering ability.
CATS CATS Breed Identification Breed Identification.
CAT BREEDS. ABYSSINIAN Balanced medium sized animal of foreign type. Beautiful ticked, resilient coats Four common colors: Ruddy, Red, Blue and.
CATSHOW. the purpose of the show: to sell cats to win the trophy entrance fee fun !!!
Cats Felis Catus History First cat appeared 35 million years ago. Cats were domesticated about 4000 years ago. Much later than dogs! This is probably.
Vet Science ID TOOLS.
Lesson 6 – Dog & Cat Breeds Unit: Veterinary Foundations Veterinary Science Mr. Dieckhoff.
Small Animal Cats- Unit F. Competency Use information specific to each breed to choose the best cat for a given use.
German Animals by: Abigail Martin German Dogs There are more than thirty types of dogs that live in Germany. Familiar dogs to us is like the Great Dane,
York Terrier. Australian Shepherd Basset Hound Beagle.
1 Copyright 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.
Feline breeds. Shorthair Breeds Abyssinian o Short Haired o Medium Sized o Ticked coats o Common colors: Ruddy, Red, Blue and Cream.
Cat Breed Power Point.
Small Animal Cats- Unit D. Essential Standard 8.00 Use information specific to each breed to choose the best cat for a given use.
Small Animal Cats- Unit D. Competency 8.01 Use information specific to each breed to choose the best cat for a given use.
North America EuropeAfricaAsia
Different Kinds of Cats Jessi Durmis Period 2. The Abyssinian It is a short haired cat It originated from Eygpt Their coat ranges from white, gray, brown,&
Cat Breeds. Abyssinian Long, slender necks, legs and tails Larger than average ears Slender with muscles Wedge- shaped faces Almond- shaped eyes accentuated.
1 Copyright 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.
Small Animal Cats- Unit F. Competency Use information specific to each breed to choose the best cat for a given use.
Companionship and pleasure are important to people. A companion animal is an animal that is used to provide humans with fun and friendship through close.
Cat Breeds.
Rabbits. American Fuzzy Lop Angora Californian.
4.5 Graphing Data. Bar graphs use rectangular bars or objects to represent data. A line graph is a type of graph that uses line segments between known.
Feline Breeds, Part 2.
CAT BREEDS. ABYSSINIAN Balanced medium sized animal of foreign type. Beautiful ticked, resilient coats Four common colors: Ruddy, Red, Blue and.
© Amanda Bright 12/ We’re No Ordinary Cats at Crystal Palace, London (no sound) Highlight: Felis Domestica at the National Cat Show" We’re.
Vet Science CDE Breed/Species ID Cats, Rabbits, Birds, Small Mammals, Reptiles, Other.
2004 Northeast Regional Awards. Twentieth Best Kitten Chloes Painted Spirit Brown Marbled Tabby Bengal Owner: Carolyn M Ellis.
Feline Breeds Part 3. SIBERIAN One of the largest domestic breeds. Oily guard hair provide weather proofing.
2004 Northeast Regional Awards. Twentieth Best Alter Laziblues Toby ?? British Shorthair Owner: Anne Mui.
by Jivka Mateeva VMF – f. № 15228
Small Animal CDE 2008 Practice ID. Dogs York Terrier.
Common Breeds: Boxer, Pit-bull, Yorkshire Terrier, German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, Lab.
Boston Terrier. English Springer Spanial Boxer Cavalier King Charles Spaniels.
Dogs. Boston Terrier Shetland Sheepdog West Highland White Terrier.
Breed Identification Small Animal Care CDE 2013 Little “I” 200 Points.
Animal Breeds Review. Appaloosa Hereford Aryshire.
Belgian Sheepdog. Border Collie Collie Australian Cattle Dog.
Australian Shepherd. Basset Hound Beagle Bichons Frises.
Small Animal CDE 2008 Practice ID. Dogs Chinese Shar-Pei.
Specialty Animal Judging General Knowledge Information Dog, Cat, Rabbit, Goats, Cavies, Rats, Hamsters.
Small Animal CDE 2008 Practice ID.
2014 Veterinary Science CDE
Veterinary Science Program
Colors – ruddy, red, fawn, blue, lilac, silver
Use information specific to each breed to select the best cat for a given use. Essential Standard 8.00.
PEER Program, Texas A&M University
Popular Cat Breeds From Written by Melinda Goplin
Veterinary Technology Breed/Species
Boston Terrier.
Popular Cat Breeds.
Colors – ruddy, red, fawn, blue, lilac, silver
Cat breeds.
Shorthaired Cats 1.
Popular Cat Breeds.
Colors – ruddy, red, fawn, blue, lilac, silver
Popular Cat Breeds.
Instructions : Open on Common Drive – Crouchc – Intro
American Shorthair
Cornish Rex
Devon Rex
Maine Coon
Russian Blue
Turkish Angora