Nombres. Nouns. Nouns in spanish has a gender. Rules that apply to the gender of nouns in spanish: Most words that end –a are femenine. Most words that end –o are masculine. Ex. Casa (house) ends in –a is femenine Perro (dog) ends in –o is masculine. 3. Words that end –cion,-sion, -tad, -dad and –umbre are almost always femenine. Ex. Libertad (liberty), conclusion, television, lumbre (combustible material), universidad, nacion (nation), personalidad (personality), conversacion. 4. Words that end in –a but that come from greek are masculine. Ex. Problema, sistema, idioma, tema, clima, programa, poema, telegrama. Nouns in spanish has a gender. They are either female or male. There is no way to know the gender of the noun by just it’s meaning. You must learn the gender of each noun along with the word for the noun. Ex. El arbol (the tree) masculine La flor (the flower) femenine
Practica con los nombres. Árbol Flor Pájaro Silla Tienda 6. Iguana Planta Conejo Búho Ballena
Nombres: 12. Conejo (rabbit) 13. Bandera (flag) 14. Tiza (chalk) 15. Ventana (window) 16. Pagina (page) 17. Cereza (cherry) 18. Flamenco (flamingo) 19. Teclado (keyboard) 20. Computadora (computer) 21. Pato (duck) 22. Papel (paper) 23. Taza (cup) 24. Bolsa (bag) 25. Cartera (purse) Arbol (tree) Computadora (computer) Libro (book) Costumbre (custom) Libreta (notebook) Calendario (calendar) Escritorio (desk) Casillero (locker) Nacionalidad (nationality) Planta (planta) Vaca (cow)