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The Creation of Mankind
An Overview of Creation “The Beginning” Not the beginning point of God Genesis 1:1 – God WAS Psalm 90:1,2 – “from everlasting to everlasting” Acts 17:24 “made the world” Proverbs 8:22-25 – wisdom with God before creation
The Order of Creation Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning”- Time “God” – Force “Created” – Energy “The Heavens” – Space “and the Earth” – Matter Supernatural – Not Illogical
Six Days of Creation: 1. Creation of Light (1:3-5) 2. Division of Water on Earth from the Heavens (vss.6-8) 3. Division of Land From Oceans & beginning of Plant Life (vss.9-13) 4. Placing of Moon & Stars in Universe (vss.14-19) 5. Birds & Aquatic Creatures created (vss. 20-23) 6. Land Animals & Man (vss. 24-31)
On the Seventh Day, God Rested Not as in “tired,” but complete Final capping of creation was Eve- (2:18-22) Some Observations: Complete & Perfect Creation – Genesis 1:31 A True Creation- “something out of nothing”
Questions Concerning The Creation Account Are we to accept the Genesis account as literal, or are we to just see it as symbolic of God’s dealing with man? Rejection of Genesis account naturally leads to rejection of entire Bible Moses referred back to Genesis regarding Sabbath (Exodus 20:8-11) Jesus believed Genesis account & held it literally true – Matthew 19:4-6 Paul believed Genesis account as literally true (Romans 5:14; 1 Corinthians 15:22,45; 1 Timothy 2:13,14)
Questions Concerning The Creation Account Didn’t the days in Genesis 1-3 really mean long ages & not real days? Hebrew word for DAY used of literal 24 hour days in Old Testament Old Testament spoke of literal days concerning the keeping of Sabbath (Exodus 20:8-11) “Day-Age” theory does not have support from the Scriptures, destroys veracity of the rest of the text, especially the genealogies in Genesis & the Gospels
Questions Concerning The Creation Account What about the “Pre-Adamic” age between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2? Genesis 1:28 (KJV) “replenish the earth.” Theory says there were already people on the earth, but they were for some unknown reason depleted Like days of Noah, Adam & Eve had to replenish the earth. Correct rendering of the text “fill the earth.” Pure Speculation, pointless supposition! Genesis 1-3 identified as the “beginning.”
Questions Concerning The Creation Account Is it really “that important” about the HOW of God making the earth? YES it is! Our attitude toward Scriptures rests on it What we believe about origins important as to how we look at society Creation states that a loving God carefully & lovingly created the universe – not blind chance. Creation states man is creation of God and thus we are different than other beings of the world, and responsible for our actions
Questions Concerning The Creation Account Is it really “that important” about the HOW of God making the earth? YES it is! Creation Teaches man is made in the image of God, evolution teaches man made gods in his image Creation affirms we have an eternal soul needing redemption, evolution believes man needs to be free from such nonsense! Evolution has contributed to Communism, genocide & idea we are all savages fighting to get to the top of the heap!
Most Infamous Evolutionist – Adolph Hitler! This is Not God’s Way! Genesis lovingly calls us BACK to God Who made all things well & placed Man here, responsible for his actions, with moral standard of Right & Wrong, & a need to be accountable to God. Most Infamous Evolutionist – Adolph Hitler!