Bible Survey Lesson 2: Genesis 1-11
Author And Date Author Date Liberal View Written Priestly Class c 400 B.C. After 1445 B.C. (the Exodus) Conservative View Before 1405 B.C.(Death of Moses) Moses Events Creation (10,000 – 7,000 B.C.) Death of Joseph (1,806 B.C.)
Broad Biblical Timeline 2000 BC Abraham 2166–1991 1500 BC Moses 1485–1405 1000 BC David’s Reign 1011–971 500 BC Exile 722 Israel 587 Judah Cyrus’ Decree 536 0 AD Jesus 3 BC–30 AD
Purpose Literary Purpose Purpose Of Genesis Authorial Intent Author Audience Time Context Content The God of creation demonstrated his faithfulness by entering into covenant with Noah and Abraham and their descendants thereby blessing the world.
Outline Primitive History: Four Events (1-11) Creation (1-2) Fall (3-5) Flood (6-9) Babel (10-11) Patriarchal History: Four People (12-50) Abraham (12-24) Isaac (25-26) Jacob (27-36) Joseph (37-50)
Primitive History: Creation Theme: God as All Powerful creator. Theme: Blessing Problem: What is the meaning of Day? 24-hour day theory Day-age theory Intermittent day theory Literary day theory
Primitive History: Creation Problem: What is the Image of God? Totality of Man Is a Reflection of God Immaterial Nature of Man Is a Reflection of God Rule of Man Is a Reflection of God
Primitive History: Creation Problem: Who Was Adam? A Historical Person A Representative ‘Man’ An Evolved Homo Saepien A Literary Device
Primitive History: Fall Theme: Sin of Man Theme: Cursing 3:14, 17; 4:11; 5:29; 9:25; 12:3; 27:12, 13, 29; 49:7 Theme: Grace/Wisdom of God as opposed to man
Primitive History: Fall Genesis 3:15“He shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise his heel.” Psalm 22:16 “They pierced My hands and My feet.” Luke 24:39 “Behold My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself
Primitive History: Fall Genealogy
Primitive History: Flood
Primitive History: Flood Problem: Who are the Sons of God? Demons Godly Sons of Seth Dynastic Rulers Demons possessed men
Primitive History: Flood Problem: What was the extent of the flood? Global Regional
Primitive History: Flood Know That Catastrophe Has Stratified Rock Teaching Men Biblical Truths
Primitive History: Flood Theme: Noahic Covenant (6:18; 8:20-22; 9:1-17) Problem: Who was cursed by Noah? Ham Cursed, not Canaan Ham’s Punishment transferred to Canaan [Hamilton; Matthews] Canaan Cursed for his own Sin [Hughes] Canaan’s Descendants Cursed
Primitive History: Babel Theme: Table of Nations
Primitive History: Babel Theme: Rebellion Judgment Salvation