Karyotypes and Genetic Disorders
Normal Male
Normal Female
Metafemale / Triple X Syndrome
Only affecting females Inherit 3 X chromosomes Usually an inch or so taller Unusually long legs and slender torsos Normal sexual characteristics Fertile Slight learning difficulties 1/1000
Down Syndrome 3 chromosomes on pair 21 Short and stocky Shorter appendages Broad faces with saddle back nose profiles Thicker tongues Incidence goes up rapidly with age of mother
XYY Syndrome Affecting only males Inherit extra Y chromosome Tall, over 6 feet Act normal Severe acne during adolescence Many are unaware of having abnormality 1/900 – 1/2000 depending on different studies
Turner Syndrome Only one X chromosome Genotype is XO Average height is 4’7” Webbed Necks (extra folds of skin) Small breasts Ovaries don’t develop normally Sterile Slight mental retardation 1/3,000-1/10,000
Klinefelter’s Syndrome XXY or more rarely XXXY or XXXXY Asexual to feminine body Enlarged breasts Little body hair Sterile Small penis, testis, and prostate gland Many have normal appearance 1/500 – 1/1000