The Evolution of Todays Religions
Indo-Europeans Migrate The Indo-Europeans were a nomadic group coming from the steppes north of the Caucasus Mountains, between the Black and Caspian Seas. They were pastoral livestock herders. No one is completely sure why the migration happened, but the Indo- Europeans migrated outward in all directions between 1700-1200 BC.
Aryans Transform India Around the same time that the Hittites were establishing themselves in Anatolia, the Aryans were migrating through the Indus River Pass into India. They left little archaeological evidence, but their scriptures, the Vedas, gives an idea of their life through prayers, spells, and instructions for performing rituals. The Aryans called the people they found in India the dasas, or “dark,” which referred to the color of their skin. The Aryans were taller, lighter in skin color, and spoke a different language from the people that they found.
A Caste System Develops Aryans were divided into three social classes: Brahmins (priests), warriors, and farmers. They considered the dasas beneath them, so they became the lower class, the sudras. Class restrictions were ridged – practically permanent. You were part of it for life, and the work they did and people they married were determined by the caste. Cleanliness was important – those considered unclean because of their profession (butchers, gravediggers, and collectors of refuse) were outside the caste system and became known as the “untouchables.” Their touch endangered the purity of everyone else. A Caste System Develops
Aryan Kingdoms Arise Over the next few centuries, Aryans extended their settlements east and south. It covered almost all of the Indian subcontinent. The great epic Mahabharata shows a blending of cultures as the Aryans moved southward. For example, Krishna, a semi-divine hero of the epic, is described as dark- faced. This suggests he is not Aryan.
Hinduism Evolves over Centuries Hinduism is a collection of religious beliefs that developed over a long period of time some aspects can be traced back to ancient times, but not one founder with one set of ideals. Hindus share a common belief that religion is a way of liberating the soul from the illusions, disappointments, and mistakes of everyday existence. The achievement of separation from these desires and suffering is detailed in the Upanishads. Hinduism Evolves over Centuries
Hinduism Evolves over Centuries When a person understands the relationship between atman (their soul) and Brahman (world soul), then they achieve perfect understanding and release from this world. This understanding does not come in one lifetime – reincarnation is necessary. A soul’s karma, or good and bad deeds, follows it from reincarnation to another. The karma influences life circumstances, such as caste, etc. Dharma is the religious and moral duties an individual must have.
Hinduism and Society Hindu ideas about karma and reincarnation strengthened the caste system – if someone was born as an upper-class male, it was said that he had good karma, or fortune. If he was born lower-class, it was said that he deserved it because of past misdeeds. With some exceptions, only men of the top 3 varnas were said to be able to reach moksha (enlightenment).
Who do Hindus worship? – the major gods of the Hindu Pantheon Brahma, the creator god
Who do Hindus worship? – the major gods of the Hindu Pantheon Vishnu, the preserver god Incarnates as ten avatars (descents) including: Rama (featured in the Ramayana) Krishna (featured in the Mahabharata) (Each shown with his consort, Sita and Radha, respectively)
Who do Hindus worship? – the major gods of the Hindu Pantheon Shiva, god of constructive destruction (the transformer) Appears as Shiva Nataraj, lord of the dance of creation… and with his wife, Parvati, and son Ganesha (the elephant headed remover of obstacles)
What about the goddesses? Devi – the feminine divine Saraswati, goddess of wisdom, consort of Brahma
What about the goddesses? Devi – the feminine divine Lakshmi, goddess of good fortune, consort of Vishnu
What about the goddesses? Devi – the feminine divine Parvati, divine mother, wife of Shiva
What about the goddesses? Devi – the feminine divine Durga, protectress Kali, destroyer of demons Plus about 330 million other deities
All these deities are but Manifest forms (attributes and functions) of the impersonal Brahman
Different Perspectives Mesopotamians: pessimistic life is unpredictable, their gods unstable, their afterlife indistinct and undesirable Why Egyptian religion inspired confidence in the eternal, stable order of the universe Why?
The Origins of Judaism
Search for a Promised Land History from the Torah Abraham is the founder: Migrate and made a great nation 1800 BC - Canaan 1650 BC - Egypt
Monotheists ‘Yahweh’ was not physical – no images promise obedience for protection The First Covenant – (Contract)
Exodus In Egypt Between 1300-1200 BC left lead by Moses Slave or Mercenary? How long there? 200 to 400 years Between 1300-1200 BC left lead by Moses Festival of Passover commemorates
Horus Horus is the son of the god Osiris Born of a virgin Baptized in a river by Anup the Baptizer Who was later beheaded Horus was tempted while alone in a desert Healed the sick and the blind Cast out demons
Horus continued Walked on water Resurrected “Asar” from the dead. This translates to “Lazurus” Had 12 disciples Was crucified After 3 days two women announced that Horus, the savior of humanity has risen from the dead
The New Covenant Moses on Mt Sinai 10 Commandments Base for civil and religious laws Obedience for protection
40 Years in the Desert
From Nomads to Settlers Herders, farmers, city dwellers Technology from Phoenicians 12 self governing tribes Combine for mutual defense
Kingdom of Israel Judah largest tribe Judaism and Jews Tribes unite to drive out Philistines Saul first king Son-In-Law, David next: very popular
Solomon David’s son – dynasty Powerful and rich trading kingdom Great Temple is home to Ark of the Covenant Huge beautiful palace
Kingdom Divides High taxes strain finances Forced labor on buildings North revolts when Solomon dies Israel in south Judah in north
Babylonian Captivity Tribute to Assyria 722 BC conquered by Assyrians 150 yrs later south conquered by Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar Temple destroyed Most exiled
The Return Nebuchadnezzar drives Egyptians out of Palestine 539 BC, Cyrus the Persian defeats Babylon Permits 40,000 exiles to return Temple rebuilt and new walls
Zorasterism Monotheistic God – Ahura Mazda Good vs evil Last judgment Resurrection of bodies with eternal life Paradise for followers Eternal torture for non believers Messiah and resurrected rule the world at the end of time