Closing the gap for Disadvantaged Pupils Teaching Strategies that work Overlap with SEN Getting ready for Ofsted
WHY? Disadvantaged pupils on average do much less well than other pupils Poor life chances Low wages/unemployment Ill health including mental health Shorter life spans Crime Cycle of Poverty
Barriers to Learning Poor attendance Poor behaviour/attention spans/attitudes/aspirations Poor speaking and listening skills Lack of confidence Don’t read at home Hunger/poor nutrition Poor literacy – lack of exposure to different experiences Child protection issues
So what do we expect? Pessimism of the Intellect Optimism of the Will
What works?
6 Education Endowment Foundation toolkit: What does effective practice look like? Leave one copy of the toolkit. Metacognition and self-regulation –learnign to learn. Reflecting on what worked to help them learn – what stopped them. Making choices about which strategies to use to learn.
Metacognition and Self-Regulation Articulating what helps you learn Reflecting on Learning Maximising Learning Resilience Rucksack – Brunswick Infant school Learn to Learn ReflectEd (Rosendale Primary school Butterfly model (Roy Leighton)–St Catherine’s School Peer and self assessment
Early Years intervention + 6months Research says Use a variety of approaches including digital Interactive reading with an adult is particularly effective to develop speech and language Parental involvement – Tapestry EY cluster work on transition between nursery and reception Speech and language –BLAST (£20 on line training £215) Pennine Way Short interventions –phonics, number, writing
Collaborative Learning +5 months You need structured approaches with well-designed tasks. KAGAN Rally Robin –What are the consequences of the outcome of the USA election? Numbered Heads Together How long is a piece of string? Quiz-Quiz-trade
Other teaching strategies Teach to gaps – pre and post-teaching (Pennine Way) Peer tutoring – Year 5/ 6 readers with younger children, maths champions etc Learning detectives Pupil governors Focus on basic skills Nessy (dyslexia resource) (£60 per year) Precision teaching eg. Kirkby Stephen (John Taylor freebies) Kangeroo maths (free) (BHG, Scotby) Big maths Mastery – White Rose Maths Hub -free
SEN pupils who are also disadvantaged Ofsted August 2016 handbook “ Inspectors will consider the progress of pupils who have SEN/or disabilities in relation to all pupils nationally with similar starting points. Inspectors will examine the impact of funded resource for them in removing any differences in progress and attainment. The expectation is that the identification of SEN leads to different arrangements being made with a consequent improvement in progress” “For groups of pupils whose cognitive ability is such that their attainment is unlikely to ever arise above “low” the judgement on outcomes will be based on an evaluation of the pupils’ learning and progress relative to their starting points at particular ages and any assessment measures the school holds. Evaluation should not take account of their attainment compared to that of other pupils.”
Examples of groups of Pupils with SEN who will be expected to catch-up (any whose cognitive ability is not impaired) Dyslexia and dyscalcula Behaviour issues ADHD Speech and language difficulties Time-limited medical conditions (glue-ear) Those not expected to catch up but who should make progress EHCP –complex needs Those on P-levels
However… Your tracking and analysis of disadvantaged pupils can include contextual information You can write case-studies to show complex needs and any successes You can try removing disadvantaged pupils with SEN from the data and compare the remaining disadvantaged pupils with non-disadvantaged pupils (but it is only fair to remove any non-disadvantaged SEN too!)
Getting Ready for Ofsted 2016 website You must publish a strategy for the school’s use of the pupil premium. You no longer have to publish a ‘pupil premium statement’. your school’s pupil premium grant allocation amount a summary of the main barriers to educational achievement faced by eligible pupils at the school how you’ll spend the pupil premium to address those barriers and the reasons for that approach how you’ll measure the impact of the pupil premium the date of the next review of the school’s pupil premium strategy
For the previous academic year, you must include: how you spent the pupil premium allocation the impact of the expenditure on eligible and other pupils
Strategy Template Amend how you like as long as you cover the areas specified in the ofsted document.
Disadvantaged Pupils -progress
Internal data Ofsted will look at disadvantaged pupils across all year groups –not just those at the end of Key Stage. Ofsted will track individual pupils across the school to see if the gap is closing over time
Impact of individual strategies One of the biggest weaknesses is that schools do not know which strategies worked and therefore which are worth continuing. Best practice is to review more regularly than once a year ( preferably whilst an intervention is ongoing or just finished)
What do inspectors do during an inspection? Seating plan identifying disadvantaged pupils Talk to children Look in disadvantaged pupils’ books Talk to governors Talk to SLT Look at current data Look specifically at data for more able disadvantaged pupils Watch phonics
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