About Me Katie Martin, PhD Director of Leadership & Professional Learning University of San Diego Mobile Technology Learning Center martin@sandiego.edu @KatieMTLC
Learning Goals Explore, Listen, and Learn to Deepen Understanding of: The intersection between technology and pedagogy to create significant learning experiences for all students. Implications for moving forward to ensure equitable access to significant learning for all students.
Overview of the Day #WhyILead--Connect to our Beliefs and One Another Ground our Work in Elements of Significant Learning Examine Case Studies of Learning & Teaching Share and Discuss Implications for Your Context
#WhyILead Take a minute & reflect Why do you choose to lead? 2. Twitter Challenge 140 characters only Include... #whyilead #AGTF16 3. Share with your table KM
The institutional vision must encompass beliefs about learners, beliefs about what characterizes meaningful learning, and beliefs about the role of the teachers within the vision. Winschitl and Sahl (2005)
Significant Learning For the next 3 minutes please journal about a moment where you really learned something -- in or out of school. What did you learn? How did you feel? How did you learn what you learned? KW: Write for entire 5 min, stream of consciousness, etc
Small Group Share Out 10 minutes Share your significant learning with a partner Each person shares for 2 minutes Groups: Together, list the elements of significant learning KW: Share, 2 min each, then discuss elements of significant learning
Analyzing Learning Experiences USD MTLC Technology Integration Matrix Examine classroom practice: teachers & students Intersection of Pedagogy & Technology “Technology alone won’t transform learning experiences” Katie M Overview of the Matrix (Talking Points Below) Background/Context · The Technology Integration Matrix is a research based tool that we use at MTLC to help us examine classroom practice. We developed this tool to look more deeply at the intersection of pedagogy and technology integration. Most tools only focus on the use of technology but research shows that the tool alone won’t change teacher practice. Overview of the Matrix · Our matrix helps us classify the overall experience students and teachers are having in the classroom. · We pay attention to what is the teacher doing, what are the students doing. Who is using the technology and how. · We also use also the 4 Cs to help us think about where on the quadrant to classify that classroom experience- Critical Thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, Communication · This is a technology integration matrix, so even if a teacher is using a projector or showing images on a Smartboard (minimal level of technology present) and the students do not have devices, this could still be classified on the matrix.
Scenario 1 It’s math time! Each student has a device and logs on to their account on ST Math. Based on each student’s current level achievement, they progress through the program to practice at their individual level for 30 minutes each day.
Moving the Needle In order to move this learning experience to another quadrant, how might you enhance the learning experience? Whole group discussion
Scenario 2 My students are learning about the missions. They looked at Google Slides that I created to learn about the missions. They are researching based on a list of websites and with books to gather facts. As a class, we will all add to the same Google Slide deck to share our learning. Katie W
Moving the Needle In order to move this learning experience to another quadrant, how might you enhance the learning experience? Whole group discussion
Scenario 3 My students have to select a chemical process that they are interested in studying. They research the ingredients and process and have to figure out how to make it happen. They create a multimedia presentations sharing the process and what they have learned to share with their peers and experts.
Moving the Needle In order to move this learning experience to another quadrant, how might you enhance the learning experience? Whole group discussion
Group Discussion What do you want students to learn? Who decides? What is the role of technology? What is the role of the teacher?
Effective leadership in education is not about moving everyone from one standardized point to the next but moving individuals from their point A to their point B. George Couros
Traditional PD
End of ted talk slides
Competency based PD
Are your systems designed for people to comply and implement your programs and policies or are your systems designed to empower people to learn, improve, and innovate?