Christmas and New Year in Australia
Christmas and New Year in Australia In Australia, Christmas and New Year come in the middle of the summer holidays, of a very hot summer. The holidays in Australia are generally VERY hot, ranging from 20 degrees to over 40 degrees Celsius in some parts. So, when Santa Clause delivers his presents, he’s not taken round by reindeer because they can’t stand the terrible heat. He’s taken around instead by six big white old kangaroos, called The Six White Boomers
Christmas and New Year in Australia Australians hang wreaths on their front doors and sometimes go out, sing Christmas carols on Christmas eve. People also decorate their houses and gardens with Christmas Trees and Christmas lights.
Australians often have Christmas Crackers at Christmas meal times. Most families try to be home together for Christmas and New Year and the main meal is eaten at lunch time. Most people now have a cold Christmas dinner, or a barbecue with seafood such as prawns and lobsters along with the 'traditional English' food. On Christmas Eve, fish-markets are often full of people queuing to buy their fresh seafood for Christmas day. Australians often have Christmas Crackers at Christmas meal times.
Christmas and New Year in Australia Among the many traditional dishes for the festive table, you will taste a special cake. Its peculiarity is that some of the guests in the piece of cake will find a coin, or nut, or spicy. Happy owner next year will settle into family life
People prepare dishes and put beans and black-eyed peas in it People prepare dishes and put beans and black-eyed peas in it. The person who gets them while dining is supposed to be the luckiest person at the table who will be the ward of Lady Luck and Lady Fortune throughout the year.
Popular New Year traditions Good Luck foods on New Year include anything in shape of a ring or full circle as a symbol of complete life cycle. Cabbage leaves are said to bring in paper currency while rice is also considered to be a lucky food on New Year
Idioms about Xmas There in a number of idioms about Xmas in Australia: 1) Cancel someone’s Christmas – Устроить «веселую» жизнь 2) Christmas comes but once a year – Не все коту масленица 3) Like Turkeys voting for Christmas – Поступать глупо, неразумно 4)Ugly Christmas sweater – Одежда, лишенная вкуса 5) Be there with bells on – Быть вовремя в указанном месте 6) Pull Christmas Crackers – Веселиться всей семьей; дарить подарки; шутить 7) Kiss Under the Mistletoe – Быть счастливым весь год