Poetic Scansion Foot and Line Length
Poetic Scansion Samuel Taylor Coleridge Metrical Feet: Lessons for a Boy Trochee trips from long to short. From long to long in solemn sort Slow spondee stalks; strong foot! yet ill able Ever to come up with Dactyl trisyllable. Iambics march from short to long;- With a leap and a bound the swift Anapests throng.
Poetic Scansion Scansion Scansion is a process by which one analyzes the stressed and unstressed syllables in feet and lines of poetry.
Poetic Scansion Iamb: unstressed – stressed Scansion – Metric Feet Iamb: unstressed – stressed Trochee: stressed – unstressed Anapest: unstressed, unstressed – stressed Dactyl: stressed – unstressed, unstressed Spondee: stressed, stressed
Poetic Scansion Iamb: da, DA = “awake” Trochee: DA, da = “wakeful” Scansion – Metric Feet and their sounds… Iamb: da, DA = “awake” Trochee: DA, da = “wakeful” Anapest: da, da, DA = “in a dream” Dactyl: DA, da, da = “sleepily” Spondee: DA, DA = “dream house”
Poetic Scansion Trimeter: a line with three metrical feet Scansion – Line Length Trimeter: a line with three metrical feet Tetrameter: a line with four metrical feet Pentameter: a line with five metrical feet Hexameter: a line with six metrical feet
Poetic Scansion PICture your SELF in a BOAT on a River with The Beatles “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” PICture your SELF in a BOAT on a River with TANgerine TREE-eees and MARmalade SKIiies Dactyl = Stressed, Unstressed, Unstressed Tetrameter = four feet per line Dactylic Tetrameter