Industry Perspective on RHNY Incentive Program Mark Odell, VP Sales Engineering Econoburn Boiler Brocton, New York 1 December 2016
Econoburn Boilers Background Division Created by Dunkirk Metals in 2006 Founded in 1946 Further Diversification. 2 Fabrication and Manufacturing Facilities Hamburg and Brocton New York Still the Only Patented North American Manufacturer of Closed-System, Advanced Cordwood Boilers Econoburn began a decade ago as a strategic diversification venture to further broaden the scope of its parent company, Dunkirk Metals. We currently have 2 Western New York Based Fabrication and Manufacturing Facilities located in Hamburg and Brocton along the Lake Erie Shore. We are still the ONLY Patented North American Manufacturer of Closed System, Advanced Cordwood Boilers.
For those that prefer a visual aid our factories are Waaay over here.
In fact here is a picture of our production manager in front of 1 of our factories – Whoops that from Dances With Wolves – must have been from my sons history project.
Some of the Craftsmen Here are a few quick candid photos of some of the craftsmen that exude the quality that goes into every boiler. I grabbed this shot a few days ago when some of the crew was coming back from lunch. (thus the smiles). Without them and their skills, I would have no reason to stand before you today.
Collaboration With U.B. University at Buffalo Combustion Lab CFD Modeling
Typical System Storage required for optimized performance. Here is a typical installation. The basic element are all here. Boiler, Storage, Manifold, and DHW. The ability to limit not only PM emissions, but just as importantly gaseous emissions, is the goal of low-mass gasification boilers. Low-mass refers to relatively low water volume which limits CO quenching, especially during cold-starts. The addition of Thermal Storage allows for optimized performance of boilers in this class by allowing them run unimpeded and without idling. This makes the boiler most efficient, limits smoke, and minimizes wood-fuel consumption. The end result is happy customers and happy neighbors. This slide shows an open-style thermal storage tank.
Closed-System Tanks Here are some examples of closed-system (or pressurized) thermal storage tanks. The determination of which type to use really comes down the specifics of the project, and the current and future goals of the project. However there is a distinct difference between having storage and having CORRECT Storage.
Need Correct Installation Here is a slide from the NYSERDA RHNY training program that shows the distinct differences between 2 similar sized tanks with significantly different performance. As you’ll see here, the 90-degree misalignment of the supply/return ports destroys stratification. Details like this make a significant impact in the performance of any advanced biomass project. To reiterate: there is a distinct difference between having storage and having CORRECT Storage.
An Unfathomable Tale “Pay tribute to the Goddess of the Seas, for your life is in her hands”. – Coleridge. And now I present to you a tale so chilling and so unfathomable, that if it were not so well documented no one would ever believe it to be true. Despite having developed an efficient and low-emitting US-manufactured wood boiler, we found ourselves blocked from the US EPA Voluntary program because there was not a suitable test method for units of ours (and others) design. The existing Method 28 test was designed for the prevalent large-mass design of OWB’s. This exclusion became even further compounded when States (including New York) adopted boilers approved by the EPA voluntary method for their State wood boiler regulations. We were getting squeezed out of several markets despite our efficient, low-emitting design. “Pay tribute to the Goddess of the Seas, for your life is in her hands” is the metaphor we used in which the US EPA represented the Goddess of the Seas and we were one of the ships depicted with our company’s fate uncertain.
NYSERDA To The Rescue! Scoping session held in 2010 Moderated by: Tom Butcher – BNL Dick Gibbs – DEC (Retired) MIT 10 Manufacturers/Importers Participated Advanced Cordwood Boilers Pellet Boilers Report Produced STAGED COMBUSTION BIOMASS BOILERS: LINKING HIGH-EFFICIENCY COMBUSTION TECHNOLOGY TO REGULATORY TEST METHODS (8/2010) Seeing the disparity in the market first-hand, and after conducting a ‘round-robin’ of the test labs with one of our boilers, NYSERDA organized and hosted a scoping session in April of 2010. This scoping session was moderated by Tom Butcher of BNL and Dick Gibbs, Formerly of the NY DEC and MIT Researcher. 10 Manufacturers and Importers of advanced pellet and cordwood boilers participated. To Cite the Executive Summary: The major finding from the workshop is that Method 28-OWHH, developed by EPA with input from the conventional OWB manufacturers and the Northeast States to serve the needs of a voluntary OWB program and State regulations, needs relatively minor, yet significant modifications for application to the broader array of two-stage combustion technologies which are distinct in fundamental design and operation as compared to typical OWBs. This led us to the:
Test Method Development NYSERDA Supported BNL in Developing Relevant Test Method Tarm Biomass contributed equipment – thank you! BNL-PTS Developed From Characterization Appropriate Test Boilers with Storage Much More Rigorous. Start-up, Steady-State, Burn-Down. Gaseous Emissions Included. Development of a suitable test method. NYSERDA Sponsored BNL in the development of a Relevant test method. Scott Nichols of Tarm Biomass was Gracious enough to lend equipment so characterizations could be studied and a test method developed. On behalf of the advanced biomass industry we thank you for this Scott! From this Characterization, the BNL-PTS (or Partial Thermal Storage) method was developed. I don’t think any of us thought the test method would be as rigorous as it became and the bar set so high. The 3 distinct portions of the burn cycle were analyzed (Start-up, stready-state, burn-down,) and gaseous emissions were included as well to determine real combustion AND delivered efficiencies. When it became our turn to test, even we failed the first time. Be careful what you ask for sometimes….Eventually we did pass after incorporating a few additional improvements. It can be done!
Test Method Acceptance BNL-PTS Accepted by NY DEC and US EPA Econoburn became approved by NY DEC White House OMB Teleconference Deemed Certified by US EPA under NSPS Playing Field Level After what seemed an eternity, the new BNL-PTS test method became accepted by the NY DEC Econoburn acquired NY DEC certification after review of BNL test report, however we still needed US EPA acceptance. A call with the White House Office of Management and Budget with stakeholders was successful in becoming certified under the NSPS. This was a long and turbulent route across the ‘sea of regulation’, and we thank NYSERDA and NESCAUM for helping legitimacy, and hard science prevail.
Renewable Heat New York Focus on High Efficiency and Low Emissions NYSERDA Sought Input During Development Several Installers Throughout NY With all that now behind us, we were able to again focus on what we do best; building and selling efficient, low-emisison boilers. Unbeknownced to us, NYSERDA was about to make this easier for both us, and the customers, with the launch of the RHNY program. Although we were given no specifics about the program and any incentives it might offer, we were asked for input for well over a year. Odd calls and inquiries like “what do you think the scrap value of an OWB is?.” , and “what periodicals would current OWB owners read?” were common. Sometimes in the middle of the night… After the launch and formal announcement of the program, the broad-ranged questions asked made a lot more sense and the comprehensive launch, with well-target marking was made. We are please to have several top-drawer installers throughout NY who have conducted several sound projects.
Key to Success: Training! Encouraged NYSERDA to Focus on Training Solar Industry led the way 1 Day Training Class with John Siegenthaler. We have worked with NYSERDA over several years and encouraged them to support hydronics training first at the Northeast Biomass Heating expo and then more extensively in Renewable Heat NY. This is something Econoburn has also done with installers and heating and plumbing contractors groups for years. They tend to need an introduction or refresher on system integration, especially thermal storage. Econoburn provides a lot of technical support for customers all over North America. Every project is like a snowflake, they are all different and unique. John’s full-day course is on NYSERDA’s website and we share it with others regularly to help them plan their projects correctly. “measure twice and cut once – right?”
The Guy That Wrote The Book And who better to learn from the guy that literally wrote the book(s) on Modern Hydronic Heating and Heating with Renewable Energy. Here’s John and I at NYSERDA’s booth this past August at the Woodsmens Expo in Boonville, NY promoting the RHNY progam.
Free Design Review Required for First 3 Projects Who wouldn’t appreciate another set of eyes… The free engineering review for the first three projects for an installer is brilliant. It is much better and cheaper to get a design corrected while it is still on paper rather than after an installation has begun. Believe me, I know, its always the boiler that gets blamed when the heating system isn't doing the job and it always comes down to the same problems - insufficient heat emitters, whether thermal storage was installed correctly, hydronic design, fuel quality and the operator.
Best To Catch Errors Up Front… Here is a classic example drawing for a project near Syracuse which had one of our boilers specified. Under-performance of the SYSTEM was blamed on the boiler (which as stated is usually the case). After investigation, several errors in the system design were uncovered which led to the under-performance of the system. The Design Review is ESSENTIAL in our opinion to ensure that not only the RHNY program goals of high-efficiency and low emissions are achieved, but also the thermal energy delivery system (AKA Hydronics) is correct. These systems are represent significant investments by the end-users who expect a well-performing system. Many installers may not appreciate these perceived ‘hurdles’ upfront, however several have commented to me that errors caught up front in the design review and eliminated nuisance call-backs which would otherwise directly affect their bottom line. What does all this lead to?....
Happy Customers! Some Changes to Old Habits Were Expected Easily Overcome / Eager to Improve Happy Customers! Some re-education is of course needed, but most of the OWB change-out customers did a lot of research on how these systems work before signing on the bottom line.
The Process The RHNY Application Process Easy once you’ve completed one NYSERDA Staff Always Available Matt McQuinn and Team Super-Responsive Financial Incentives are Solid Increased as Fuel Prices Dropped to Further Help Low Interest Loans Help Customera Pay Through Savings Program Improvements NYSERDA Continuously Improving. · The RHNY application process is easy once you have gone through it once. NYSERDA staff are available for help with any questions (shout out to Matt McQuinn). · The financial incentives from NYSERDA are good and they have increased them as the price of oil dropped, helping customers make the move. · Comment on feedback from installers or happy customers? · The low interest loan availability helps consumers pay for their system with their savings. · Improvement to the program – NYSERDA staff ask for feedback and have been responsive to it from the early planning stages until present day. They have taken our comments to heart on programmatic design and marketing – and we conducted our own strategic marketing around it.
A Brief Tribute Matt McArdle – Mesa Bioenergy – NYBEA Industry Cheerleader and Custodian, Friend.
Next Steps Continue Education and Outreach It working!
Thank You! Questions? Mark Odell, VP Sales Engineering Econoburn Boiler Brocton, New York 1 December 2016