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Hey, 8th period science class. I have a tennis match…again Hey, 8th period science class. I have a tennis match…again. But, as they say, the show must go on. Please take notes on 1.2. Fold your paper for Cornell notes and start copying. To advance to the next note, press the right arrow button.
Notes 1.2 Inside the Cell
Organelle = a cell part enclosed in a membrane Nucleus = stores the DNA that enables a cell to function
Prokaryotic cells do not have a nucleus Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus
Cell Membrane = controls what goes into and out of the cell Cytoplasm = jelly-like material that fills the cell Mitochondria = turns food into energy Ribosomes = build protein
Chloroplast (plant) = changes the suns energy into food Cell Wall (plant) = tough outer covering that provides support Central Vacuole (plant) = Stores water
Lysosome (animal) = stores a chemical that breaks down wastes
That’s it for the notes. Next, go back through the notes and highlight. Then, write a question for each note. You may use only 5 what questions. Try some fill in the blanks. Finally, write a summary. The summary for these notes will be a double-bubble map comparing plant cells and animal cells.
No Cell Cell Wall Wall Eukaryotic Plant Animal Cell Cell All other SUMMARY Chloroplasts Eukaryotic No Chloroplasts Plant Cell Animal Cell Central Vacuole All other organelles No Central Vacuole No Lysosomes Lysosomes
Click on the link http://www. cellsalive Click on the link and complete the worksheet “Cells Alive”.
To be completed by Friday: Notes 1.1 (notes, questions, summary) Notes 1.2 (notes, questions, summary) Cell Drawings (bacteria, plant, animal) Quiz on Friday covering 1.1 and 1.2 Study, Study, STUDY!!!