IGG Agenda – June 7th 2007 Minutes from last IGG meeting 10.00 – 10.10 Review of Action Items 10.10 – 10.20 CER Update 10.20 – 10.30 Gemserv Update 10.30 – 10.40 Market Operations Update 10.40 – 11.00 Networks SEM Update 11.00 – 11.30 Retail Market Design Service Update 11.30 – 11.40 MPCC Architecture Review 11.40 – 11.55 Market Design Update 11.55– 12.05 Discussion Requests & Market Change Requests IPT Plan 12.05 - 12.15 Next Steps 12.15 – 12.25 1
Minutes Minutes from IGG meeting – April 19th 2007 2
Action Items Actions Addressed in Advance of Meeting Update on Action Items Actions to be covered during remainder of presentation Actions to be carried forward Other Action Items 3
Actions addressed in advance of meeting Action Item 46 RMDS to circulate the list of AAG nominees Action Item 44 AAG to respond to assurance documents within next two weeks 4
Update on Action Items Action Item 9 – Review possibility of creating and providing dedicated MPRN data for use in all IPT tests Analysis done for AIP IPT and conclusion is that dedicated MPRN data for this IPT test would not be recommended because: High volume of MPRNs would have to be generated (252 in total) for Change of Supplier and New Connections IPT tests Generated MPRNs would require considerable ESB Networks resources to modify the data for read histories, move-ins etc Generated test MPRNs would also have to be tested by ESB Networks in advance of planned IPT start date 5
Update on Action Items Action Item 38 – To investigate a quicker route for raising basic changes. Create a new form and identify the basic conditions for using it. Draft IGG Non-Transactional Code Change Request document circulated on 31st May 2007 6
Update on Action Items Action Item 39 – Volumes of readings rejected as outside tolerance levels No readings are rejected for this reason, they are out sorted for validation and a decision is then made to estimate or accept the reading value based on previous history etc. 7
Update on Action Items Action Item 40 – Investigate, as part of DR 0128, whether advanced readings for de-energised sites could be outsorted Advanced readings for de-energised sites are currently outsorted 8
Action Items to be covered later in the presentation Update MCC Guidance document Action Item 5 MCR 0130 – Extra validation checks required at creation of 306, 307, 106 and 332 messages Action Item 8 DR 0117 – Investigate whether new 131 message could be issued for Special read Request Action Item 13 RMDS Draft Business Plan 2007 Action Item 38 Investigate a quicker route for raising basic changes Action Item 59 MCR 0147 – Vulnerable Customers 9
Action Items to be covered later in the presentation DR 0123 – Versioning of 341 message Investigate the usefulness of the new Y/N flag at MPRN level 10
Action Items to be carried forward Action Item 41 – Raise a DR to propose the initiation of the updates to the Central Market Systems of a QH to QH meter replacement at the same time as the MV90 is updated Ongoing discussions with ESB Networks 11
Action Items to be carried forward Action Item 10 – Prepare proposals on addresses in the Retail Market Deferred until after SEM go-live at the request of the IGG 12
Action Items to be carried forward Action Item 24 – DR 112 - New MPD 37 New Transmission Connected Sites Follow-up in progress 13
Other Action Items Supplier Forum Action MCC 50 – Quantify the number of MCC 50 sites by Supplier that currently exist in ESB Networks Systems In progress 14
CER Update 15
Gemserv Update 16
Market Operations Update 17
Retail Electricity Market Issues Update Susan Morrissey, RMDS 18
Retail Electricity Market Issues Log Log continuing to issue on a weekly basis Summary Statistics (as per last release – 06.06.2007) Total Number of Issues Logged 147 Total ‘Closed’ 126 Total ‘In Progress’ 15 Total ‘Being Monitored’ 1 Total ‘Logged’ 5 Issues Resulting in DRRs 9 Total Raised Since Last Issue 0 Total Closed Since Last Issue 0 19
Retail Market Design Service Update C. Madden, RMDS 20
Retail Market Design Service Update Information point for suppliers: Update on Market Message problem that occurred over Christmas period MCC Guidance Document 21
Retail Market Design Service Update Draft Business Plan for 2007 presented to IGG in December 2006 - Key Operational Objectives - Service Objectives Financial Plan now approved by CER 22
Retail Market Design Service Update Key Operational Objectives Successful cutover of the retail market and all MP systems and businesses to version 6.0 of the retail market design, to facilitate the SEM. Attainment of EN: ISO9001 certification. Regular reporting on retail market process quality indicators Completion of RMDS customer website Final completion of all ‘establishment’ work around the retail market structures. Begin research on harmonisation. Identify and formulate long term process improvements to save costs. 23
RMDS Business Plan 2007 Budget for 2007: Main Cost headings: €1.7m Payroll and web development IPT environment Assurance services 24
Retail Market Design Service Update Service Objectives Area Activity Measure Objective Customer Surveys No. per year 1 Process Design releases No. of significant errors Information released to website Time to release from receipt <1 day Change Control Circulation of documents (days before meeting) 5 Query Helpline Response time to Design Queries Market Meetings Agendas (days before meeting) Minutes (days after meeting) Resolution or escalation of IGG Actions (weeks) 12 New Release of design documents (No. of significant errors) System planned outages Notice of part weekend outage (days) People Training and Development Personal development plan completion 100% CER Mandate Formal reviews 10 Financial Financial Plan Expenditure within overall budget 25
Retail Market Design Service Update Service Objectives Area Activity Measure Objective Process Design releases No. of non-significant errors < 5 Response time to queries requiring input from 3rd parties (e.g. ESBN) 10 Market Meetings Working documents (days before meeting) 2 Presentations (days before meeting) Final presentations (days after meeting) Change Control New Release of design documents (no. of typographical errors) 26
MPCC Architecture Review Colm Gaffney, RMDS 27
The Goals for this exercise are: Background This review is being driven on behalf of the market to ensure that the MPCC architecture is maintained at the highest possible level. The Goals for this exercise are: To help suppliers understand the current MPCC systems / technical architecture To highlight potential limitations of this architecture To propose a strategy and time line for rolling out short, medium and long term initiatives To get feedback from Market Participants 28
End to end view from Market Hub to MPCC 29
Current Architecture – Communications Link Technical Architecture Communications protocol stack is in line with industry standards TCP/IP is the standard comms stack for communication over the internet SMIME and SSL (transport encryption) provide secure encryption of the Message and its contents as it travels over the internet PKI is used for vetting 3rd Parties XML used for packaging data Minor Limitations Need to upgrade version of SSL Need to investigate the usefulness of PKI as MODSSL is performing a similar function 30
Current Architecture - Suppliers MPCC Technical Architecture CGI is used for interfacing to external applications OnRamp is used for unwrapping and date time stamping messages Webforms is used to create and amend market messages Limitations Access 97 is not a suitable database (not secure and unsupported) Windows 2000 is not secure enough IE 5.0 is not suitable for new encryption technologies CGI is inefficient at processing data Software upgrades involves distribution of CDs. 31
Replacement Strategy for OnRamp Replace OnRamp with: Solution 1 Open Source software: MySQL database - thus removing the issues with Access 97 Upgrade the operating system to XP or Vista Upgrade Internet Explorer 5.0 to Internet Explorer 7.0 Replace OnRamp code with Java equivalent Solution 2 Upgrade OnRamp to Ican 5 or SeeBeyond Technology's Integrated Composite Application Network (ICAN) suite, now renamed Java Integration Suite. Gartner says “SeeBeyond customers using pre-ICAN technology: Strongly consider upgrading to ICAN, because you are in danger of being left behind” Solution 3 Replace OnRamp with a similar product 32
Proposed minimum MPCC Hardware MPCC hardware should have the following minimum specification robust processor with a clock speed in excess of 3GHz 2Gb of RAM 300 Gb Hard Drive 33
Next Steps Longer Term Questions Is there the possibility that Market Participants may want to use their own market hubs. Should the MPCC be built and hosted externally Is it possible to use Web Services Next Steps Get feedback from Market Participants on Experience and shortcomings of the Current MPCC Their preferred development strategy Propose to look at the replacement of the MPCC early 2008 34
Discussion Requests & Market Change Requests Susan Morrissey, RMDS 35
New Market Change Request MCR 147 – Vulnerable Customer Requirements Phase 2 – covers the addition of the Mobility Impaired Code Circulated to the market 31.05.07 Feedback by next conference call – 21.06.07 36
Market Change Requests MCR 130 – Extra validation checks required at creation of 306, 307, 106 and 332 messages Released to the market on 31.05.07 Feedback by next conference call – 21.06.07 37
Discussion Request DR 0124 – WP 013 Document the procedure to be used to terminate Meter Point Reference Numbers identified as duplicates Circulated to the market on 08.05.07 Feedback received from two market participants DR to be updated and re-issued 38
Discussion Request DR 0123 - Versioning of 341 messages Version 1.5 issued to market on 31.05.07 Updated subsequent to investigating the usefulness of the new Y/N flag at the MPRN level Feedback by next conference call – 21.06.07 39
Update - DR 123 Versioning of the 341 Two scenarios where a supplier could receive a 341 message with only one channel segment: If there is a new kW reading and the kVAr reading remains the same. If data is being modified on one channel, then this data is locked and cannot be sent as part of the message. The channel that isn't locked can be sent on a 341 message with the second channels data being issued on a separate 341 message at a later date. It is proposed to eliminate the issuing of 341 messages with single channel data. 40
Update - DR 123 Versioning of the 341 Accidental Omission While recompiling this DR it was noticed that the ‘Interval Data’ segment was missing from the 341 message. Proposed Solution: A new Version Number field would be added to the 341 Market Message ‘MPRN Level Information’ segment. Eliminate the scenarios where a 341 is issued with a single channel. Include a ‘Read Replacement Flag’ at the Channel Level details. Move the Channel Status up to the MPRN level and rename it the ‘Alert Flag’. 41
Update - DR 123 Versioning of the 341 QH Data Conditions 341 Message Details MPRN Read Replacement Flag Scenario When Trigger Meter Reading Version Number Channel 1 Channel 2 Normal Cases 1 < = D+4 QH data received Actual 01 N 2 = D+4 SMO Deadline, No data. Estimate > D+4 02 Y 3 Data Correction Exceptional Scenarios 4 SMO deadline. No data. SEM Query / Dispute 5 6 SMO 2nd Estimate 03 42
Discussion Request MCR 144 – Data changes to accommodate new unmetered lamp types Approved by market participants to refer to CER Approved by CER 43
Inter-Participant Test Plan Colm Gaffney, RMDS 44
Main Points IPT testing will take place between 13th and 31st August 8 MCRs which require 29 IPT tests and 77 test scenarios The Assurance tests have been agreed by Gemserv Each Market Participant will have the same one hour timeslot for each day of testing Testing will occur on days 1 to 4 and days 7 and 8. The dates 17th 20th and 23rd to the 31st are free of testing Message Num Data MP Total 010 14 2 7 196 015 4 56 45
46 MCR Title Market Message affected Assurance to be Carried Out and Evidence Required 0088 Amendments to MPD 1 (Change of Supplier - NQH Metered) to satisfy new requirements for SEM Implementation M010 M102, M102P, M102R M105 Carry out 3 IPTs with the following steps where the Supplier registers a new NQH customer: IPT 1 (i) Suppliers generating the M010 with invalid Supplier Unit Id from internal systems using realistic data. ESB Networks receiving the M010. (ii) The M102R with reject reason 'SUS' being sent by Networks and received by the Supplier. IPT 2 (i) Suppliers generating the M010 for an invalid Trading Site from internal systems using realistic data. ESB Networks receiving the M010. (ii) The M102R with reject reason 'TSR' being sent by Networks and received by the Supplier. IPT 3 (i) Suppliers generating the M010 from internal systems using realistic data. ESB Networks receiving the M010. (ii) The M102P being sent by Networks and received by the Supplier. (iii) The M102 being sent by Networks and received by the Supplier. (iv) The M105 being sent by Networks and received by the Supplier. (v) The M320 being sent by Networks and received by the Supplier. 0121 Future Proofing Field Sizes M501 M591 Carry out the following short IPTs where the Networks send aggregation data to Suppliers (i) MRSO aggregates NQH data and sends the M501 (including the 31 digit Total Usage Factor field) to the TSO (ii) The M501 is recd by the TSO and correctly processed. 46
IPT Test Plan Columns Include Unique IPT Reference Number MCR Number IPT Number (see Assurance Document) Scenario to be tested Process being tested Days 1 to 15 Colour coding of messages Inbound messages from Suppliers in Blue Outbound messages to Suppliers in Red Shaded areas indicate days of inactivity (excludes weekends) Auto filter has been applied to all columns for ease of viewing 47
RMDS Next Steps Organise 1 hour timeslots for the 7 Market Participants Advise on the data to be created for the IPT test Create IPT contact lists 48
Next Steps Proposed Diary dates for subsequent meetings 19.07.07 (proposed date change from 12th July) 06.09.07 (proposed date change from 23rd August) 49
Next Steps Propose to continue with conference call every two weeks – proposed dates - 21.06.07 05.07.07 09.08.07 23.08.07 Call details have new contingency PIN No: Number: 01-6647602 PIN : 77640 Contingency number remains: 01-6647777 New PIN: 80490 50
Thank You 51