Building an E-Commerce website
Why people shop online? Price Convenience variety Hard to find Timid to buy from a store in the presence of people Why people do not purchase on web security, lack of privacy and quality
Management challenges Developing a clear understanding of the business objectives Knowing how to choose the right technology to achieve those objectives.
Consider Organizational capabilities Hardware architecture Software Telecommunications Site design Human resources
Website Systems development life cycle System analysis/planning System design System building Testing Implementation of service
System analysis/planning What do we want the e-commerce site to do? Start identifying objectives for the site Then list system functionalities A list of the types of information systems capabilities you will need to achieve your objectives. Now develop information requirements I want to sell my company's products on the Internet. I want to promote by company's service. I want to let people get the latest information about my governmental agency. I want to share the knowledge my organization has collected with as many people as possible. I want to increase the sales of the "widgets" my company produces by 5000 units per month. I want to provide automated customer service.
Example Objective: Display goods System functionality: Digital catalog Information requirements: Dynamic text and graphics catalog. ------- Objective:Personalize product System functionality: customer-onsite tracking Information requirements: site log for every customer visit; datamining
System design Logical design Physical design Data flow diagrams that describes the flow of information at your e-commerce site Processing functions that must be performed Databases that will be used Physical design Server specifications Software to be developed or purchased Type of connection front/back end Draw pictures on the board. Create a list of content that you can include on your website that will help accomplish the essential goals you have identified. Create a Cohesive theme that creates strong corporate branding and that ties all of these elements together. Use consistent easy to identify navigational elements throughout the site.
Testing Unit testing System testing Acceptance testing Testing program modules Done by technical personnel System testing Testing the site as a whole Done my management and marketing dpt Acceptance testing Test to see if business objectives have been satisfied
Some help I found Create a list of content that you can include on your website that will help accomplish the essential goals you have identified. Create a Cohesive theme that creates strong corporate branding and that ties all of these elements together. Use consistent easy to identify navigational elements throughout the site.
More help Make you site personal, engaging and appealing. Let your customers know who you are. Respect Your Customers Privacy Make Sure to Clearly Indicate That There Orders are Secure Give Your Customers Real Value from Your Website Give Your Customers a Clear Reason to Order From You Rather Than Your Competition
Implementation & Maintenance E-Commerce systems are always evolving
Optimization of web performance Page content Optimize html and images Reduce comments and white spaces Page generation Server response time. Multiple servers. Device based accelerators Page delivery Edge caching (Akamai) Bandwidth Edge caching refers to the use of caching servers to store content closer to end users. most international newspapers send out one master “copy” to printing presses around the world, who then duplicate those newspapers and deliver them locally In this example, End User A requests a page from End User A is connected to the closest Akamai caching server, Akamai Edge caching server A. The Akamai Edge caching server A doesn't have a copy of the requested page so it goes back to, the server that actually resides at Penn, gets a copy of the requested page, and serves the copy of the page back to End User A.
Architecture Simple vs. multi-tiered architecture Simple Tiered Static web page serving Tiered Product sales Dynamic web serving Data serving
Two-Tier Request for page web server Dynamic content database A web server responds to requests for web pages and a database server provides backend data storage.
Multi-tier architecture Requests web server(s) Middle Tier (application servers, database servers, ad servers, mail servers, etc.) Backend server (corporate applications, finance, production, enterprise systems, HR systems, etc.) A web server is linked to a middle-tier layer as well as to backend corporate systems.
Web server software Apache 63% - Unix choice Microsoft 27% Others – 10% (Zeus, SunONE, etc).
Site Management tools Identify invalid links, dead links and orphan files
Dynamic page generation tools Contents of web pages are stored as objects and converted to html upon request. The objects are retrieved from databases using CGI (common gateway interface), ASP (Active Server pages), JSP (Java Server pages) or other server-side programs. ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) is the standard access method.
Application Servers Middleware software List server Proxy server Mail server Catalog display Shopping cart Fax server Auction server
E-Commerce Suites Merchant server packages Bizland, Hypermart, Yahoo stores IBM’s WebSphere Commerce Microsoft’s Commerce Server 2002 Broadvision one-to-one commerce Interworld’s commerce exchange 6.0
Web-site Design CGI ASP JSP, JAVA, JavaScript ActiveX and VBScript ColdFusion
Development skills Load balancing – clustering – failure recovery – client/server - database server Distributed transactions – concurrency control – security HTTP, browsers, HTML, push and pull, page layout, forms, frames, images, css, scripting, cookies, activeX, plug-ins, sessions, CGI, XML, XSL, ADO.NET SQL, Queries, Joins and unions, cursors, views, stored procedures, query optimizer, triggers DHCP, DNS, IP Addressing, routing, WINS, IP-sec