Course Selection Process Transition to Grade 11 Course Selection Process
Graduation Requirements 30 credits (18 compulsory & 12 optional) 4 English 3 Math 2 Science 1 Geography 1 History 1 French 1 Physical Education 1 Arts (Drama, Music or Visual Art) .5 Career Studies & .5 Civics 3 Additional Compulsory Courses English / Language / Soc Science / World Studies / Co-op Phys Ed / Arts / Business / Co-op Science / Technology / Co-op + 40 hours of Community Service + Grade 10 EQAO Literacy Test
Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test Remedial Sessions in the Student Centre during February & March Literacy Blitz – March in class Test Day: Thurs, March 30th
Compulsory Courses English Math + 6 optional courses University ENG 3U0 College ENG 3C0 Workplace ENG 3E0 Math University MCR 3U University / College MCF 3M College MBF 3C Workplace MEL 3E + 6 optional courses
For each subject….
University / College (M) Grade 10 Grade 11 If you are currently in ACADEMIC and... Earning over 75% Consider University (U) or University/College (M) Grade 11 courses Earning less than 75% Consider University / College (M) College (C) Grade 11 courses
University/College (M) Grade 10 Grade 11 If you are currently in APPLIED and……. Earning over 75% Consider University/College (M) or College (C) Grade 11 courses Earning less than 75% Consider College (C) or Workplace (E) Grade 11 courses
Grade 10 Grade 11 Choose Workplace (E) Grade 11 courses If you are currently in LOCALLY DEVELOPED.…. Choose Workplace (E) Grade 11 courses
Co-op Earn 4 credits 3 weeks in class at start of semester Work Placement In-school every other Monday Career Fair Co-operative Education TAB COP4XC
Placement Opportunities Computer Technician Auto Body Repair Chef Fitness Counsellor Esthetician Daycare Worker Teaching Assistant Graphic Design Law Clerk Dental Assistant Military Service Social Services Worker Electrician Plumber Veterinarian Assistant
Specialist High Skills Major 1. Bundled Credits - Major Courses, English, Math, Co-op 2. Certifications & Training - CPR, First Aid, WHMIS 3. Experiential Learning - Field trips, hands-on learning 4. Reach Ahead Experiences - Connect with College, University, Apprenticeships 5. Essential Skills Grade 11 & 12
Specialist High Skills Major TRANSPORTATION Transportation Manufacturing Engineering / Robotics Honda Plant, Custom Car Show, Centennial College Aviation Fall Arrest, Lockout, Customer Service, Fire Safety Certification
Specialist High Skills Major HEALTH & WELLNESS Physical Education Science Social Science Jack Smythe Field Centre, University of Western & Waterloo, Kin & Cadaver Labs, etc. CPR, First Aid, Infection Control, WHMIS plus: Group Dynamics, Leadership, Wrapping and Taping for Performance & Injury Certifications
Specialist High Skills Major ENVIRONMENT Science Social Science GPS Certification, Tree Identification, GIS Training Partnership with the Toronto & Region Conservation Authority Lake St. George weekend, Canadian Ecology Centre, Kortright Centre, Outdoor Adventure Show, Green Futures Day
REGISTER FOR SHSM Submit your interest online using My Blueprint Submit the signed Parent Consent Form, Registration Form & Teacher Recommendation to Guidance by Feb 28th Forms available in Guidance
Who should I consult? Course Selection Fair Current subject teacher Guidance Counsellor Parents / Guardians Course Selection Fair Monday, January 16th Period 3 & 4 Gym A/B
The Course Selection Process
High School Planner - Overview This is where you see course requirements for graduation. This is where you see your post-secondary opportunities across Canada based on your course selection. This is where you view other graduation requirements and your progress.
Note: Be sure to review your course selections as you will not be able to change your selections in myBlueprint once submitted.
VERIFICATION Form 1 2 Please print the Course Verification Form in myBlueprint. Have your Parent/ Guardian sign the form and return the form to your Homeform Teacher.
Questions? A-C Mrs. Reale D-G Mrs. McCauley H–L Mr. White M-Q Ms. Matson R-Z Mr. Maskell
Personalized Program Planning Bring your Parents for an Individualized Course Planning Session with your Guidance Counsellor. Wednesday, January 18th 5:00pm – 8:00pm By Appointment
REMEMBER!!! Jan 9th to Jan 31st My Blueprint is open for Course Planning Feb 1st to Feb 20th Submit Course Selections on My Blueprint