One Point Perspective
How would draw something Bell Work: How would draw something to make it look three-dimensional on a two-dimensional surface?
Definition of Perspective •A linear system of converging lines •Creates the accurate illusion of depth on a two-dimensional surface
Drawing One-Point Perspective •Lines that show depth converge at one point •See two or three sides of the object at once
Horizon Line — The apparent intersection of the earth and sky as seen by an observer.
Vanishing Point — The point in linear perspective at which all imaginary lines of perspective converge. The point at which parallel lines receding from an observer seem to converge. The point at which a thing disappears or ceases to exist.
Horizontal — Parallel to or in the plane of the horizon. Vertical — Being or situated at right angles to the horizon; upright
Orthogonal Lines — The lines that make up the sides of an object in a perspective drawing that relate directly back to the vanishing point.
Remember… •Lines are only: –Horizontal –Vertical –Or they aim for the vanishing point! (unless your object is not rectangular)