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Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) WIOA is designed to help job seekers access employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market. WIOA Title 1 provides employment and training services to Adults, Dislocated Workers, and Youth clients. Nevadaworks contracts with Service Providers for delivery of these services to the clients.

One-Stop System All recipients of WIOA funds are partners in the One-Stop Delivery System. One-Stop Partners are required to collaborate with all other system partners through referrals, co-enrollments, etc.

Adult Program Eligibility: To be eligible for Adult funding, client must be: At least 18 years of age Authorized to work in the United States Compliant with Selective Service requirements (for applicable males). Priority of Service is given to veterans and their eligible spouses, individuals meeting low-income guidelines, and persons with barriers to employment.

Dislocated Worker (DW) Eligibility: Eligible individuals must be at least 18 years of age, have a qualifying dislocation date less than 60 months prior to the date of enrollment, and meet one of the categories listed below: Layoff, Termination - Terminated, laid off or received a notice of termination or layoff from employment; or, eligible for or has exhausted unemployment compensation (includes separation from active duty with the Armed Forces); or has been employed but not eligible for unemployment due to insufficient earnings, or performed services for an employer not covered under state unemployment law; and is unlikely to return to a previous occupation. Permanent Closure/ Substantial Layoff - Terminated, laid off or has received notice of termination of employment as a result of any permanent closure of or any substantial layoff at a plant, facility, or enterprise; or is employed at a facility at which the employer has made a general announcement that such facility will close within 180 days; or, for purposes of eligibility to receive services other than training services or supportive services, is employed at a facility at which the employer has made an announcement that such facility will close.

DW Eligibility, continued Self-Employed/Out of Business - Is unemployed as a result of general economic conditions in the community in which the individual resides or because of natural disasters.   Displaced Homemaker – Is an individual who has been providing unpaid services to family members in the home and who has been dependent on the income of another family member but is no longer supported by that income. OR Is the dependent spouse of a member of the Armed Forces on active duty and whose family income is significantly reduced because of a deployment, a call or order to active duty, a permanent change of station or the service-connected death or disability of the member; AND is unemployed or underemployed and is experiencing difficulty in obtaining or upgrading employment. Dislocated Spouse of a Member of the Armed Forces- Is a spouse of a member of the Armed Forces on active duty and who has experienced a loss of employment as a direct result of relocation to accommodate a permanent change in duty station of such member; Is the spouse of a member of the Armed Forces on active duty and is unemployed or underemployed and is experiencing difficulty in obtaining or upgrading employment. Priority of service is given to veterans and their eligible spouses.

Program Year 2017 WIOA Performance Requirements MEASURE Adult Dislocated Worker Employment 2nd Quarter After Exit: 66.0% 70.9% Employment 4th Quarter After Exit: Median Earnings in the 2nd Quarter After Exit: $3,941 $6,500 Credential Attainment Rate: 60.4% 61.3% Measurable Skills Gains: TBD

WIOA funds are to be used for Supportive Services 40% Requirement 40% of Total Budget must be spent on Sector Training and Training Related Supportive Services. Training includes Occupational Skills Training and On-the-Job Training. Supportive Services include, but are not limited to: Transportation, Child care, Health care, Housing. WIOA funds are to be used for Supportive Services only when alternate funding sources have been researched and are determined not to be available.

Follow up Requirements Follow up must be made available to client for twelve months after placement in unsubsidized employment. Follow up services include, but are not limited to: Additional career planning and counseling; Contact with the participant's employer, including assistance with work-related problems that may arise Peer support groups; Information about additional educational opportunities; Referral to supportive services available in the community.

Data Collection Client data must be collected, to include, but not limited to: Name, Address, Birthdate, Ethnicity/race, veterans status, etc. Must request client Social Security Number. Data must be entered into state management information system (MIS). Staff entering data must be identified in Budget Narrative and must attend mandatory training conducted at the Nevadaworks office. Contracted recipients must ensure the accuracy, timeliness, and integrity of the data collection, entry, and reporting.

MIS Technology Requirements: Operating System Windows 98, 2000, ME, NT or XP, Windows 7 Browser Internet Explorer 7 or above Screen Resolution 800X600 or Higher and Small Fonts Microsoft Word Word 97, 2000, 2002, 2003, or 2007 Security Settings Medium Low


Proposal Delivery/Review Proposal must be received at the Nevadaworks Office by: 12PM PDT, Friday, March 24, 2017 Proposal must include One Printed Original and One Electronic copy.

Additional Information: Email Milt with questions: mstewart@nevadaworks.com Nevadaworks staff members are not on the review committee. Questions and answers from today’s meeting will be published on the Nevadaworks website at: www.nevadaworks.com/training-providers/requests-for-proposals


Proposal Delivery/Review Proposal must be received at the Nevadaworks Office by: 12PM PDT, Friday, March 24, 2017 Proposal must include One Printed Original and One Electronic copy.