Teacher notes: the following slides show how to convert from minutes to hours and hours to minutes.
The Outwood Grange Family of Schools
The Outwood Grange Family of Schools
Answers 2. Convert to a time in hours and minutes: (a) 1:30:00 – 1 ½ hours – 1 hour 30 minutes (b) 1:40:00 - 1 hour 40 minutes (c) 3:20:00 – 3hours 20 minutes (d) 1:48:00 – 1 hour 48 minutes (e) 5:22:00 – 5 hours 22 minutes Convert to a time in minutes : (a) 140 minutes (b) 180 minutes (c) 255 minutes (d) 525 minutes (e) 645 minutes The Outwood Grange Family of Schools
Teacher notes: show pupils that time notation uses the colon ( : ) and not a dot. Here official 24 hour notation is used, ie hh:mm. (as opposed to hh:mm:ss). Pupils will find it difficult to convert 1 ½ hour to 1:30 – 1 hour 30 minutes. (60 based counting system) Answers are on the next slide with possible discussion points.
Teacher notes: Answers 8:25 12:45 (why not 20:25?) 5:30 12:30 13:20 20:59 The Outwood Grange Family of Schools
Calculate the end and beginning times of these programmes. Start = 12:20. Cartoon is 25 minutes long Start = 7:35 Programme lasts for 50 minutes Start = 4:15 Movie is 1hour 15 minutes Start = 10:55 Movie is 1hr 35 minutes Start = 18:47 Documentary is 2hrs 12 minutes Finish time = 15:35 Programme lasted for 2hrs 15 minutes. When did it start? The Outwood Grange Family of Schools
Calculate the end and beginning times of these programmes. Start = 12:20. Cartoon is 25 minutes long 12:45 Start = 07:35 Programme lasts for 50 minutes 08:25 Start = 04:15 Movie is 1hour 15 minutes 05:30 Start = 10:55 Movie is 1hr 35 minutes 12:30 Start = 18:47 Documentary is 2hrs 12 minutes 20:59 Finish time = 15:35 Programme lasted for 2hrs 15 minutes. When did it start? 13:20 The Outwood Grange Family of Schools
Teacher notes: the following is a problem that the students can solve in groups. If the students are struggling advise them that a good strategy would be start from the time that the friends need to be home.
Putting this all together I have invited a few friends around to watch the latest Star Wars film on DVD. I wanted to order pizza for my friends and order them a taxi to get home. The pizza will take 45 minutes to deliver after it has been ordered, the film lasts for 122 minutes and the taxi takes 20 minutes to take all of my friends home. If I want my friends home by 23:30; When do I call for a pizza? When do I start to watch the film? When do I call for a taxi?
Putting this all together 23:30 take away 20 minutes: call a taxi for 23:10 23:10 take away 122 minutes (2 hrs 2 mins) Film starts at 21:08 21:08 take away 45 minutes: call for a pizza at 20:23 so that it arrives for the start of the film