Advanced English for Buddhist Psychology For Ph.D. Research Student By Dr. Sompoch Srivichitvorakul Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
1. Ignorance (The Four Noble Truth) 1 Suffering / Unsatisfactoriness The Dependent Origination 1. Ignorance (The Four Noble Truth) 1 Suffering / Unsatisfactoriness 2 The cause of suffering 3 The cessation of suffering 4 The path leading to the cessation of suffering
1. Ignorance 5 Ignorance of the past 6 Ignorance of the future The Dependent Origination 1. Ignorance 5 Ignorance of the past 6 Ignorance of the future 7 Ignorance of both the past and the future 8 Ignorance of states dependently originate according to Specific conditionality
2 Kamma-Formations 2 Verbal Formation 3 Mental Formation The Dependent Origination 2 Kamma-Formations (Formation; Determination; Volition) ======== 1 Bodily Formation ; Volition 2 Verbal Formation 3 Mental Formation
Meritorious formation 2 Formation of demerit Demeritorious formation The Dependent Origination (Kamma-Formations) 1 Formation of merit Meritorious formation 2 Formation of demerit Demeritorious formation 3 Formation of the imperturbable; Imperturbability–producing volition
3 Consciousness; Sense-awareness 1 Eye-consciousness The Dependent Origination 3 Consciousness; Sense-awareness 1 Eye-consciousness 2 Ear-consciousness 3 Nose-consciousness 4 Tongue-consciousness 5 Body-consciousness 6 Mind-consciousness
4 Mind and Matter Mind = Feeling ; Perception The Dependent Origination 4 Mind and Matter Mind = Feeling ; Perception Volition; Contact; Attention Matter =The four Primary Elements 1 Solid Element; earth 2 Liquid Element; water 3 Heating Element; fire 4 Air Element; wind
(Internal sense-fields) The Dependent Origination 5 Six Sense-Bases; (Internal sense-fields) 1 The eye 2 The ear 3 The nose 4 The tongue 5 The body 6 The mind
(External sense-fields) The Dependent Origination 5 Six Sense-Bases; (External sense-fields) 1 Form; visible objects 2 Sound 3 Smell; odour 4 Taste 5 Touch; tangible objects 6 Mind objects
Sense-impression 1 Eye-contact 2 Ear-contact 3 Nose-contact 4 Tongue The Dependent Origination 6 Contact; Sense-impression 1 Eye-contact 2 Ear-contact 3 Nose-contact 4 Tongue 5 Body-contact 6 Mind-contact
Sense-impression The Dependent Origination 6 Contact; Sense-impression 1 Eye + form + eye cons = eye cont. 2 Ear + sound + ear cons = E.C. 3 Nose + smell + nose cons = N.C. 4 Tongue + taste + tongue cons = T.C 5 Body + touch + body cons = B.C. 6 Mind + mind objects + mind cons = M.C.
7 Feeling; Sensation 1 Feeling arisen from visual contact The Dependent Origination 7 Feeling; Sensation 1 Feeling arisen from visual contact 2 from auditory contact 3 from olfactory contact 4 from gustatory contact 5 from body contact 6 from mental contact
8 Craving 1 Craving for forms 2 Craving for sounds The Dependent Origination 8 Craving 1 Craving for forms 2 Craving for sounds 3 Craving for odours 4 Craving for tastes 5 Craving for tangible objects 6 Craving for mental objects
8 Craving 1 Craving for sensual pleasures; sensual craving The Dependent Origination 8 Craving 1 Craving for sensual pleasures; sensual craving 2 Craving for existence 3 Craving for non-existence; Craving for self-annihilation
9 Clinging ; Attachment ; The Dependent Origination 9 Clinging ; Attachment ; Assuming 1 Clinging to sensuality 2 Clinging to views 3 Clinging to mere rules and rituals 4 Clinging to the ego-belief
10 Becoming; Existence; Sphere 1 The Sense-Sphere 2 The Form-Sphere; The Dependent Origination 10 Becoming; Existence; Sphere 1 The Sense-Sphere 2 The Form-Sphere; Fine-Material Sphere 3 The Formless Sphere; Immaterial Sphere
Six Sense-Base 11 Birth 12 Decay and Death The appearance of The Dependent Origination 11 Birth The appearance of Aggregates; Six Sense-Base 12 Decay and Death
Selflessness; Voidness The Dependent Origination สุญญตา (ความว่าง) Selflessness; Voidness Eternalism /Annihilationism Emptiness; Nothingness =Nihilism / Eternalism
De f I l eme n t D e f I l m n t Human Being Sentient Being
The Noble Eightfold Path
Right View ; Understanding Sammaditti 1 The Four Noble Truths ; Ariyasacca 2 The Three Characteristics; Tilakkhana 3 Unwholesome Action ; Evil Deed ; Bad Deed; Akusala-Kamma 4 Wholesome Action; Good Deed Kusala- Kamma 5 Dependent Origination
2 Right Thought Sammasankappa Wholesome Thought; Kusala-Vitakka 1 Nekkhamm ; Thought of Renunciation Thought free from selfish desire 2 Abyapada; Thought free from hatred 3 Avihimsa; Thought of non-violence; Thought free from cruelty
3 Right Speech; Sammavaca 1 To avoid lying ; not knowingly speaking a lie for the sake of any advantage 2 To avoid malicious speech ; unite the discordant; encourage the united and utter speech that makes for harmony 3 To avoid harsh language and speak gentle, loving, courteous, dear and agreeable words 4 To avoid frivolous talk; to speak at the right time; in accordance with facts
4 Right Action; Sammakamanta 1 To avoid the destruction of life and be anxious for the welfare of all lives 2 To avoid stealing, not violating the right to private property of others 3 To avoid sexual misconduct, not transgressing sex morals
5 Right Livelihood Samma-ajiva To avoid wrong livelihood
6 Right Effort Sammavayama Padhana; effort; exertion 1 Samvara ; The effort to prevent the effort to avoid 2 Pahana ; Abandon ; overcome 3 Phavana ; develop 4 Anurakkhana ; maintain
7 Right Mindfulness; Sati Foundation of Mindfulness 1 Contemplation of the body; Mindfulness as regards the body 2 Contemplation of feeling; Mindfulness as regards feelings 3 Contemplation of mind; mental condition Contemplation of mind-objects Mindfulness as regards ideas
8 Right Concentration; Sammasamadhi The First Absorption : The Four Jhanas The Four Absorption of the Form Sphere The First Absorption : 1 Vitakka; Initial Application; Thought Conception; Applied Thought
8 Right Concentration; Sammasamadhi The First Absorption : The Four Jhanas The Four Absorption of the Form Sphere The First Absorption : 2 Vicara; Sustained Application; Discursive Thinking; Sustained Thought
8 Right Concentration; Sammasamadhi The First Absorption : The Four Jhanas The Four Absorption of the Form Sphere The First Absorption : 3 Piti: Joy ; Interest 4 Sukha: Pleasure; Happiness 5 Ekaggata: One-pointedness: Concentration
8 Right Concentration; Sammasamadhi Aruppa; Arupa The Absorption of the Formless Sphere ; the Formless Sphere; Immaterial States 1 Sphere of infinity of Space 2 Sphere of infinity of Consciousness 3 Sphere of Nothingness 4 Sphere of Neither Perception Nor Non- Perception
The Five Precepts Rules of Morality 1 To abstain from killing 2 To abstain from stealing 3 To abstain from sexual misconduct 4 To abstain from false speech 5 To abstain from intoxicants causing heedlessness
The Five Ennobling Virtues Virtues enjoyed by the five Precepts 1 Loving-kindness & compassion 2 Right means of livelihood 3 Sexual restraint 4 Truthfulness; sincerity 5 Mindfulness; awareness; temperance เมตตากรุณา สัมมาอาชีวะ กามสังวร สัจจะ และสติสัมปชัญญะ
The Eight Precepts Training rules 1 To abstain from taking life 2 To abstain from taking what is not given 3To abstain from unchastity 4 To abstain from false speech
The Eight Precepts 5 To abstain from intoxicants causing heedlessness 6 To abstain from untimely eating 7 To abstain from dancing, singing, music , unseemly shows, from wearing garlands 8 To abstain from the use of high and large luxurious couches. @To abstain from accepting gold & silver
Noble individuals ; Holy person 1 Stream-Enterer 2 Once-Returner 3 Non-Returner 4 The Worthy One
Noble individuals ; Holy person The Learner ; Sekha The Adept ; Asekha
Noble individuals ; Holy person 1 Stream-Enterer 2 Once-Returner 3 Non-Returner 4 The Worthy One
3 Assembly of lay-followers 4 Assembly of female lay- followers The Four Assemblies; Companies; Parisa 1 Assembly of Monks 2 Assembly of nuns 3 Assembly of lay-followers 4 Assembly of female lay- followers
1 Impermanence; Transiency 2 State of suffering ; Being oppressed The Three Characteristics (Tilakkhana) 1 Impermanence; Transiency 2 State of suffering ; Being oppressed 3 Soullessness ; State of being not self
(The Five Groups of Existence) 2 The Feeling; sensation The Five Aggregates (The Five Groups of Existence) Fiv1 The Corporeality; form 2 The Feeling; sensation 3 The Perception 4 Mental Formation; volitional Activities 5 The Consciousness
Holy Abidings; Sublime states of mind 1 Metta : Loving-kindness ; friendliness; goodwill 2 Karuna : Compassion 3 Mudita : Sympathetic joy; Altruistic joy 4 Upekkha : Equanimity; neutrality; poise