Exam #3 1. You should know from memory: The expontaneity criteria to make predictions about the occurrence of processes using: Entropy changes Gibbs Energy Changes Helmholtz’s energy changes The combined first and second Law dU =TdS - PdV The Gibbs-Helmholtz equation : A= U-TS, and its differential form dA= -SdT -PdV The Gibbs energy G = H - TS , and its differential form dG = -SdT + VdP The definition of the chemical potential, i = G/n = Gm the chemical potential expression for a gas(vapor): i = i + RTln(p/p0) The chemical potential expression for a solid and liquid i = vmDp The definitions of activity and activity coefficient The Clausius-Clapeyron equationsand its applications
The definition of an ideal solution The definition of an ideal solution *Raoult's law and Henry's law The definition of partial molar volume and other partial molar quantities 2. You should know how to: Write expressions for H, A, and G from the integrated form for U Calculate rG o at 25oC for reactions and other chemical processes Sketch and/or analyze a one-component phase diagram (p as a function of T) Use the Clapeyron and Clausius-Clapeyron equations to calculate various properties of materials Understand the meaning of dG (maximum no-expansion work) You should know the expression of dG in terms of P and T Calculate the vapor pressure of a substance under an applied external pressure Calculate the partial molar volume given appropriate volume and composition data
Find vapor pressures of liquid and vapor compositions of ideal liquid solutions *Derive the expression for vapor pressure depression (from Raoult's law) Sketch and/or analyze (both p vs X and T vs X versions of) a two-component liquid-liquid phase diagram 3. You should understand: The third law of thermodynamics and why it is important The meaning and utility of chemical potential *The meaning and utility of activity and activity coefficient The triple point, critical point, vapor pressure curve, sublimation curve, and melting curve in a phase diagram of a pure substance