Title of your Power Point, names, and class period Slide 1 Title of your Power Point, names, and class period
Slide 2 Thesis sentence
Slide 3 State first main point Provide evidence-quote, statistic, etc. from a source You need to cite on this page in MLA format Ex. www.findinfo.com (your full citing will be in the works cited page) Provide a visual-you also need to cite under the picture like you do for the evidence.
Slide 4 State second main point Provide evidence Cite Visual
Slide 5 State third main point Provide evidence Cite Visual
Slide 6 How did this event or topic affect the outcome of the war or how did it affect the world today? Why was this event/topic so significant?
Slide 7 Works cited page Cite in complete MLA style Use Easy Bib to help you do this