Welcome to your library day! Please take a seat & put your backpack under your chair Take out a writing utensil Log into your computer and go to the library website You might want to take a few minutes to explain the picture- many students have never seen an old fashioned card catalog- tell students that this is how research was done before there were computers in schools!
National Poetry Month!
Creating Citations Today we will: Review the 2 types of citations Review MLA format Review Citation resources Learn how to create citations in word Today’s lesson is how to create a citation page. As I’ve talked to teachers in our school I have been told that many students are either not citing their sources correctly, or not citing their sources at all. Today we will talk about when and how to cite your sources.
Academic Paper Formats Academic research papers may be written in different formats depending on the type of paper being written. Commonly used styles are: MLA (Modern Language Association) - used in literature, arts and the humanities APA (American Psychological Association) - used in social sciences, such as psychology and education AMA (American Medical Association) - used in biological sciences, such as medicine and health There are several different formats for citation pages and in Junior and High School you will always use MLA format. The other formats you might use if college.
Works Cited page Format: Title is: Works Cited ABC order by first word Double Spaced Hanging Indent This is an example of a properly formatted citation page using MLA format. In order to be done correctly your citation page needs the following things: First your entries should be in alphabetical order by the first word (usually the authors last name. Second, your page should be double spaced- notice that this page is spaced evenly throughout the entire page with no extra spaces. If a citation is more than one line, the second and third line should be indented. This is called a hanging indent and it allows your eye to easily see where the next citation begins. Finally, the title of your work cited page should be WORK CITED, not bibliography or references etc. Point out to students that this example has many citations. They may not use this many sources, but all research assignments should have at least 3 sources- that is the minimum. These should be different types of sources as well- not all websites- good valid research should come from a variety of types of sources (books, articles, data bases, etc.)
Each type of source such as books, journal articles, newspapers, magazines, websites, and images require specific information to be cited correctly. It is important the you include the correct type of information when you make citations
Book Citation Format Author’s Last Name, Author’s First Name. Title. Place of Publication: Publisher, Copyright Date. Print or digital. This screen shows the required information for a book citation- notice the required format and punctuation. Ask students where they would find this type of information in a book (behind the cover page in the front of the book).
Journal Article citation format Author(s). " Article Title." Journal Name Volume Number.Issue Number (Publication Year): Page Numbers. Database Name. Medium of Publication. Date of Access. <URL>. (if required) This is a journal article- point out all of the information required to cite an online journal article. The good new here though is that we use Pioneer to find online journal articles and in Pioneer all of the articles have the citation information done for you- all you have to do is copy and paste it into your word document. (yes- this is the one and only time that students are allowed to copy and paste information while researching!)
Website Citation Format Author(s). “Title of Website”. Sponsoring Organization. Date Published/Updated. Medium of Publication. Date of Access. <URL>. Citing websites is the most common mistake students do. Many students think that all they need to do to cite a website is to put down the URL address but this is not enough. In fact the URL address is not even required in MLA format. The information required is the other information shown. As students where they would find this information on a website (usually along the bottom of the page- sometimes they just need to hunt to find it)
IS NOT A SOURCE!!!!! & PIONEER IS NOT A SOURCE NEVER LIST GOOGLE OR PIONEER ON YOUR WORK CITED PAGE! Remind students that google is not a source- it is a place, or a tool to help them find a source. Google should never be on their work cited page.
Citation Tip- Library Online Catalog Go to Universal Search Use the link ‘cite this source’ Here are a few things to remember about creating a citation page. First of all always get at least one source form Pioneer. Pioneer will link you to online journal articles written by professionals- they are very valid sources. Also- these articles are so easy to cite correctly because the citation is done for you at the end of the article – you can just copy and past it it! For all other types of sources the best tool to use is citation machine- his is an online citation machine that will help you make your citations Let’s try it http://www.davis.k12.ut.us/Page/44578
Citation Tip- Pioneer Find sources in Pioneer scroll to the bottom of the page to find the citation information Let’s try it http://www.davis.k12.ut.us/Page/44578 Here are a few things to remember about creating a citation page. First of all always get at least one source form Pioneer. Pioneer will link you to online journal articles written by professionals- they are very valid sources. Also- these articles are so easy to cite correctly because the citation is done for you at the end of the article – you can just copy and past it it! For all other types of sources the best tool to use is citation machine- his is an online citation machine that will help you make your citations
Citation Tip- Online Citation Generators For all other sources use Citation Machine or Easy Bib to create your work cited page! Let’s try it http://www.davis.k12.ut.us/Page/44578 Here are a few things to remember about creating a citation page. First of all always get at least one source form Pioneer. Pioneer will link you to online journal articles written by professionals- they are very valid sources. Also- these articles are so easy to cite correctly because the citation is done for you at the end of the article – you can just copy and past it it! For all other types of sources the best tool to use is citation machine- his is an online citation machine that will help you make your citations
Citation Tip- Managing sources in Word You can manage your sources in Word using the ‘References Tab’ Here are a few things to remember about creating a citation page. First of all always get at least one source form Pioneer. Pioneer will link you to online journal articles written by professionals- they are very valid sources. Also- these articles are so easy to cite correctly because the citation is done for you at the end of the article – you can just copy and past it it! For all other types of sources the best tool to use is citation machine- his is an online citation machine that will help you make your citations
Work time and Reading Time! Format your work cited page correctly and then have Mrs. Johns sign your paper Read quietly while you wait The remainder of the time is for students to quietly read and checkout books!