Let’s take a closer look…. Parts of a Book Let’s take a closer look….
Parts of a Book Spine (call number) Cover (Title, Author, Illustrator) Title Page Copyright Page Table of Contents (not all books have) Preface (author comments, not all books have)
Parts of a Book Body (main part of the book) Glossary (mini dictionary, not all books have) Index (alphabetical listing of all important subjects discussed in the book, not all have)
Title Page The Biography of Mrs. Kinnas By Lisa Barnett Illustrated by Mrs. Tompkins Kings Chapel Press Perry, Georgia First page of a book Title Author ( or Editor) Illustrator Publisher Place of Publication
Copyright Page ISBN – International Standard Book Number Back side of Title Page Copyright Date – when was the book Published? (think of it like your birthday) -There can be more than one copyright date (illustrations) Edition Copyright information ISBN – International Standard Book Number Used for ordering
Table of Contents Follows the Title and Copyright pages Chapter Headings (titles of each chapter) Chapter 1 What is an Ant page 3 Chapter 2 Why ants build nests page 5 Chapter 3 Where ants live page 9 Chapter 4 What ants eat page 11
What’s it good for? Quick and easy overview of book Gives general idea of what the book is about General information, not specific Does it have what you need to know? Review chapter to see if it has enough information
Works Cited(Bibliography) Works cited is a list of citations made up of all the sources you consulted in preparation for writing a research paper. Citations are constructed using strict rules regarding punctuation, text format, and paragraph indentation. Here in school we use the MLA format. In a typical research paper the Works Cited are presented in alphabetical order by the first item listed (usually the author’s last name).
Why have a Works Cited Page? Taking other people's ideas and presenting them as your own is a crime. Will direct your readers who want to learn more about your topic to other resources. Will help you to form your own original opinions about the subject.
Index List of topics or subjects Located in back of the book Alphabetical order Gives very specific information – details of contents of the book
What’s it good for? Helps put information in order Reduces the time you hunt for information
The Glossary Back of book Alphabetical Order Mini-Dictionary New or difficult words – key words
What’s it good for? If you do not understand a word in the book Find definitions and spellings quickly