Active Reading Strategies & Effective Essay Writing
Bell Ringer ( Pg.2) Directions: Don’t copy the questions. Restate the question in your answer. What is your favorite book? Why? What do you like most about reading? What do you like least about reading?
Fold your paper into 6 Sections.
Good readers… Square #1- Predict Read everything on the page… bold words, charts, photos and captions. What do you think we are about to read about? As you read, continue to predict.
Good Readers… Square # 2: Question As you read, ask yourself questions. Why are things happening? What does that mean? What caused that to happen? Write two questions about what we are reading.
Good Readers… Square #3: Summarize Frequently! Small chunks!
Good Readers… Square #4: Connect How does what I am reading now connect to what I’ve already read? What do I already know about this topic? How do I feel about what I am reading?
Good Readers… Square #5: Clarify Stop occasionally to ask yourself if you understand. You may need to re-read or read further. Is the vocabulary familiar?
Good Readers… Square #6: Visualize Try to see the events, people, places in your mind. Draw maps, make charts, take notes while you read.
Good readers… Back of page… Google and YouTube it!!!!
Effective Essay Writing! The 5 Paragraph Essay
List 3 reasons you do like or don’t like going to the movies! Bell Ringer List 3 reasons you do like or don’t like going to the movies!
It’s as easy as this!
Example Outline Topic: Why I thing President Obama is sexy Thesis: he is intelligent, he is athletic, he is a philanthropist I. President Obama is intelligent. A. He has an Ivy League law degree B. He is the author of many books C. He is a great orator D. He was President of the United States II. President Obama is athletic A. He plays basketball. B. He coached his daughter’s team to title III. President Obama is a Philanthropist A. won the Nobel Peace Prize for his humanitarian efforts B. He’s supported a number of charities and foundations C. He’s championed for many causes
Paragraph 1: Introduction Start broad then get specific. Ends with 3 pronged thesis statement Grab the readers attention
Introduction example: Marriage is something of which every girl dreams. She imagines from her youth the man she will marry. As she matures, experiences heartbreak and explores the world, her standards and preferences for a mate become more clear. This girl has finally found the epitome of her perfect mate. President Obama would be my perfect mate because he is intelligent, athletic and a philanthropist. Three pronged thesis sentence!
3 Body paragraphs Each paragraph goes into detail about one of the prongs in the thesis statement. Begins with topic sentence Includes at least 2 supporting sentences.
Paragraph 5: Conclusion Narrow to broad Restate thesis sentence Wrap it up
Example Conclusion I’ve never met anyone as perfect for me as President Obama. His intelligence, athleticism and desire to do good for all mankind is exactly what I desire in a mate. Every girl dreams of her Prince Charming finding her and making her life complete. I am sure my President Obama will find me one day.
Give credit where credit is due! Use MLA format to list references on a reference page.