Need transparent North Carolina Serves logo for top


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Presentation transcript:

Need transparent North Carolina Serves logo for top Transforming Service Delivery for Veterans, Transitioning Service Members, and Their Families The North Carolina Association of Coordinators of Veterans Affairs (NCACVA) March 30th, 2017

March 2, WAServes Launches with 50 Partners A Successful Launch… March 2, WAServes Launches with 50 Partners

Begins with Planning: A Phased Approach…(Sample NCServes) The team will integrate a ~7 month phased approach and localized strategy for establishing [NCServes in Western Piedmont]: Jan 31-Feb 28 (30 days) March 1-March 31 (30 days) May 1-June 30 (90 days) July 1-Aug 31 (60 days) Open (45 days) Review (2 wk) CC Set-up (30 days) Socialize Validate Demonstrate Prepare/Participate Train 1 2 3 4 5 Plan & Obtain Buy-In Confirm Approach Design Model and Finalize Strategy Prepare for Implementation Train & Track Progress Strategy Session 0: Identify and meet with local leaders; obtain buy-in Identify and meet with local leaders; obtain buy-in Develop 90-Day strategy session plan Strategy Session 1: Validate the problem and approach Explore collective impact, setting conditions, and service coverage area Establish core working group for strategy sessions Disseminate draft RFP Strategy Session 2: Technology demo Network functions and service domains/providers Finalize the strategy and outline commitment and responsibilities for a transformed service delivery space Finalize participating services providers for the region (virtually and in-person) Disseminate form for provider registration Strategy Session 3: Demo provider registration process Finalize coverage and providers Complete provider registration in person Coordination Center Vendor Solicitation Webinar Competitively select Coordination Center Prepare to go-live on model Coordination Center Set-up Announce selected Coordination Center Train and prepare Coordination Center on procedural guides / responsibilities Implement practices outlined in the strategy Technology webinars and training Network webinars and training Onboard/Train >30 providers across 15 service domains Go-Live on Model! Open RFP Go-Live

We engage the community: “The Problem….” Challenges Faced by Veterans, Service Members, and Military Families Challenges Faced by Health and Human Service Providers In a survey of >8,500 veterans, service members, and dependents, 60% identified navigating benefits as the most significant challenge to transition Navigation It becomes cumbersome to submit and repeat the same information across multiple intake forms and applications Intake Service providers are not equipped to meet client needs outside their mission and area of expertise Scope Creep Referrals to other providers are made without any visibility into their eligibility requirements, capacity, or how the referral progresses Ambiguity It is difficult to identify which providers are able to meet unique needs, eligibility restrictions, and preferences Eligibility AmericaServes data demonstrates that 35% of clients entering the network have more than one service need Co-Occurrence No visibility into a client’s information, history of service requests, resulting in redundant intake and request for information Duplication Lack of appropriate data collection and measurement prevents providers from ensuring quality and remaining accountable to those they serve Unaccountable

We engage the community: “The AmericaServes Solution…” Quickly navigate veterans, service members, and military families to the right services, resources, and care AmericaServes provides a series of place-based efforts focusing on coordination of service and care delivery across 15 service domains Using technology and a person-powered backbone of support, AmericaServes streamlines referrals between participating providers Identifies appropriate services for clients from providers that can actually meet those needs Ensures a positive connection between the client and providers and confirms that the clients’ needs are addressed

Along the way we build support and dispel myths… The nation’s first, scalable Collective Impact initiative serving military-connected members Innovative AmericaServes Is… Meeting communities where they are, AmericaServes is tailored to the needs of local providers and the clients they serve Flexible A Continuum of Interconnected Networks of comprehensive services, resources and care Interconnected AmericaServes Is Not…. AmericaServes welcomes veterans of all eras, eligibility, and discharge status Exclusive AmericaServes encourages providers to focus on what they do best - only when the provider is unable to serve all the needs of the client should they refer them A Replacement… The AmericaServes platform rides above existing internal systems and is tailored to only capture enough information to make a smart referral Cumbersome

Referral Delivered to Coordination Center We Demonstrate: "Our Innovative Solution…” Client/Patient Walks/Calls Into Network Provider Self-Refers/Searches via Web or portal Sends Referral to Coordination Center Referral Delivered to Coordination Center For Intake Coordination Center Sends Referral to Qualified Provider Sends Referral to New Qualified Provider


AmericaServes: A Growing Movement in Communities AmericaServes was seeded by a planning investment from Robin Hood Foundation to coordinate services in NYC’s 5 boroughs. In under 2 years, AmericaServes went live in 3 markets with funding to expand into an additional 6 markets before the end of 2016. Through the leading investment of nationally recognized investors, IVMF is able to introduce this innovative concept to local communities. Oct ’13 – Mar ’16 Apr-Jun ’16 Jul-Sep ’16 Oct-Dec ’16 Jan-Mar ’17 Apr-Jun ’17 Jul-Sep ’17 Oct-Dec ’17 January ’18 NYServes- New York City (live) NCServes – Metrolina (live) PAServes – Greater Pittsburgh (live) NCServes - Raleigh/Durham (live) SCServes - Low Country (live) NYServes Upstate (live) NCServes – Coastal (live) Mission United South Hampton Roads (live) WAServes – Greater Puget Sound (live 2 Mar) NCServes – Western (live May) TXServes- San Antonio (live Jun) 10


AmericaServes: CONNECTED COLLEGES IN NORTH CAROLINA NCSERVES.ORG (866)249-6656 Raleigh Durham, Fayetteville, who is missing? 10

AmericaServes: CONNECTED COLLEGES IN NORTH CAROLINA NCSERVES.ORG (844)435-1838 Wilmington, Jacksonville, Goldsboro, who is missing? 10

March 2, WAServes Launches with 5 Colleges Meanwhile on the other coast… March 2, WAServes Launches with 5 Colleges

Questions? Ilario Pantano 910.616.9961