Registration for Rising Seniors SCHOOL OF HEALTH SCIENCE
WHAT YOU NEED Copy of your current transcript Registration sheet
STEP 1 Flip to the back of you registration sheet Find the graduation requirements column (far right) Mark all classes you have already taken and passed according to your transcript Mark any currently enrolled courses Notice any remaining required credits
STEP 2 Look at the core class recommendations that are highlighted on the back. These are the courses that your previous teachers have recommended that you take based on your effort and performance in their class.
SCIENCE COURSES You MUST pass 3 Science classes to graduate All students are required to take Biology, Chemistry and/or Physics, and a 3rd lab science to graduate Seniors needing a 3rd required science or want to take any additional science can choose from the following additional courses: Ecology Anatomy & Physiology AP Environmental Science AP Biology AP Physics AP Chemistry
SCIENCE DESCRIPTIONS Ecology- Develops student understanding of the natural environment and environmental problems the world faces. Biology-Develops student understanding of the diversity and unity of living things. Physics-Students study the interrelationships between matter and energy. Chemistry I (CP) -Develops student understanding of the relevance of chemistry as it relates to standard of living, career choices, and current issues in science and technology. Students must have already passed Algebra 1. (continued)
SCIENCE DESCRIPTIONS CONTINUED Anatomy and Physiology-Students study the body’s structures and respective functions. AP Environmental Science-Students will learn scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the natural world, identify environmental problems, and evaluate risks associated with those problems on a first year college level. Students must have completed Biology and Chemistry and have a teacher recommendation. AP Biology-A year-long accelerated, in-depth course studying molecular and cellular biology, genetics, evolution and organismal and population biology on a first-year college level. Students must have completed Biology and Chemistry and have a teacher recommendation. (continued)
SCIENCE DESCRIPTIONS CONTINUED AP Chemistry-A year long course offering accelerated in-depth coverage on chemistry topics in the areas of structure and states of matter, kinetic theory, chemical reactions including kinetics, and the concepts of thermodynamics on a first year college level. Students must have already passed Chemistry (usually Honors), Algebra 1 and 2, have a teacher recommendation, and also be enrolling in an advanced math. Honors/AP Physics-A year long course where students study the interrelationships between matter and energy at a more accelerated pace that leads into the first year college level AP course covering Newtonian mechanics; work, energy and sound; and mechanical waves and sounds. Students must have already passed Geometry, have a teacher recommendation, and be currently enrolled in Algebra 2.
SENIOR MATH OPTIONS You MUST pass 4 Math courses to graduate (and take a Math course EVERY year in high school) Bridge Math Applied Mathematical Concepts Statistics CP Honors Pre-Calculus AP Calculus AB *Based on teacher recommendation
Senior english options You MUST pass 4 English courses to graduate English 4 CP Dual Enrollment (DE) English (requires 18 English and 19 Reading on your ACT & 3.0 GPA) AP Literature (only if you did not take this your Junior year – requires teacher approval)
Senior Social Studies Options You MUST take all of the Social Studies courses listed on your graduation check sheet to graduate Personal Finance (.5 credit)/Economics (.5 credit) CP AP Macro (this is the AP version of Personal Finance and Economics)
Health Science Options You MUST take 3 Health Science courses in order to graduate. Preferably the 3 courses will lead to your chosen Pathway. ** Clinical Internship/CTE WBL (HSE and Diagnostic Medicine are Pre-Requisites) *Application required ** Nursing Ed and Medical Terminology (HSE and Medical Therapeutics are Pre-Requisites) *Application required ** Exercise Science (HSE and Rehab Careers are Pre- Requisites) ** Emergency Medical Services (HSE and Emergency Prep are Pre-Requisites) *Requires 2.5 GPA
University Elective focus You must pass 2 World Language classes and a Fine Art class in order to graduate and attend a 4 year University If you elect to not take World Language classes (and attend Community College first): you must discuss this with your counselor get a parent/guardian signature and approval get Mr. James’ signature and approval ensure that you have take 3 other classes that can equate to an elective focus
GET YELLOW PAPER SIGNED Circle your class choices based on the highlighted recommendations, and rank your elective preferences in order from 1-8 ***12 total classes should be circled Go home tonight and discuss your schedule and class choices with your parent/guardian Turn in your signed registration request forms to Ms. Deyton by WEDNESDAY, FEB. 8th I WILL MEET WITH YOU BASED ON THE ORDER THAT YOU RETURN YOUR YELLOW PAPER