Macbeth Week 2 Vocabulary
1. Buffeted, v Struck repeatedly, battered Synonym: batter, pommel Antonym: assuage, sooth The winds buffeted the ship last night, making many of the sailors sick.
2. Balm, n. A soothing substance or one that gives relief Synonym: salve Antonym: irritant The balm caused the pain of the sunburn to subside and then to diminish
3. Bane or baneful, n. A source of harm or destruction; harmful, destructive Synonym: deleterious, detrimental, noxious, pernicious Antonym: benign, harmless Overeating was the bane of her existence. The baneful herbs made the woman extremely ill.
4. Beguile, v. To deceive or trick Synonym: delude, manipulate Antonym: enlighten We sometimes allow ourselves to be beguiled by flatterers.
5. Flout, v To treat with contempt Synonym: scoff, jeer, mock, insult Antonym: compliment When the boy answered the question he flouted a response that was both rude and insulting, so the teacher gave him detention.
6. Galling, adj and v Gall, n To vex or irritate greatly (adj, v) Poison (n) Synonym: annoy, chafe Antonym: please, comfort (adj, v); antidote (n) The child’s whining was galling to her siblings, so they ignored her for the rest of the day.
7. Diminutive, adj Diminution, n A small thing or person; denoting smallness Synonym: undersize; tiny Antonym: escalation He tried to make the problem seem diminutive through belittling phrases like “what’s the big deal?” and “who cares?” but it was absolutely galling to his classmates.
8. Harbinger, n. Things that precede and forecast Synonym: omen, forerunner, herald, precursors The lovely sunset was a harbinger of beautiful weather tomorrow.
9. Voluptuous, adj Pleasurable to the senses, sensuous Synonym: enticing, indulgent, appealing Antonym: repellent Prince Prospero’s parties were voluptuous with all kinds of music, food, drink and costumes.
10. Surfeited, v, adj Fed or supplied to excess Synonym: glutted, gorged Antonym: starved I was surfeited after having eaten so much food at the banquet.
11. Sanctify, v To set apart for sacred use, to make holy, to purify Synonym: consecrate, bless Antonym: desecrate, degrade, dishonor A priest sanctifies water by blessing it.
12. Requite, v To make repayment or to return Synonym: redress, reciprocate Antonym: deny He suffered a broken heart from unrequited love.
Written communication Synonym: epistle, report, dispatch 13. Missive, n Written communication Synonym: epistle, report, dispatch The general obeyed the missive from his commander even though he didn’t agree with what it said.
Synonym: myriad, plethora Antonym: singular, same 14. Sundry, adj Various or diverse Synonym: myriad, plethora Antonym: singular, same She used sundry methods of studying her vocabulary including flashcards, games (like on quizlet), and drawing pictures of the words.
Synonym: Interlude, hiatus 15. Interim, n an intervening time; interval; meantime Synonym: Interlude, hiatus School doesn't start till September, but he's taking a Spanish class in the interim.