Solutions A solution is a mixture of two or more substances that is uniform at the molecular level. This means it is homogeneous.


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Presentation transcript:

Solutions A solution is a mixture of two or more substances that is uniform at the molecular level. This means it is homogeneous.

Water as a mixture Muddy water not a solution. Muddy water is heterogeneous because it contains larger particles of soil or plant debris.

Water and solutions Although we often think of solutions as mixtures of solids in liquids, solutions exist in every phase; solid, liquid, or gas. Solutions of two or more solids are called alloys. Steel is an alloy (solution) of iron and carbon.

Suspensions In a mixture called a suspension the particles can range widely in size. Muddy water, a suspension, will settle when it is left still for a period of time.

Colloids Colloids are mixtures, and look like solutions, but their particles are too small to settle to the bottom of their container over time. Examples of colloids are mayonnaise, egg whites, whipped cream, and gelatin.

Tyndall effect Tyndall effect is occurring if you shine a flashlight through a jar of liquid and see the light beam.

First, try filtering it, then look for the Tyndall effect. Types of mixtures How can you tell the difference between a solution, a colloid and a suspension? First, try filtering it, then look for the Tyndall effect.

Water and solutions A solution contains at least two components: a solvent, and a solute. The solvent is the part of a mixture that is present in the greatest amount. Which of these is the solvent?

Water and solutions When the solute particles are evenly distributed throughout the solvent, we say that the solute has dissolved.

Solubility The term solubility means the amount of solute (if any) that can be dissolved in a volume of solvent. Is there a limit for how much seltzer (solute) can dissolve in water (solvent)?

19.2 Solubility Chalk and talc do not have solubility values. These substances are insoluble in water because they do not dissolve in water.

Solubility A solution is saturated if it contains as much solute as the solvent can dissolve. Any solute added in excess of the substance’s solubility will not dissolve.

Solubility A solution is saturated if it contains as much solute as the solvent can hold. An examples of a saturated solution is air. Air can be saturated with water. (We call it humidity!)

Solubility Ways to increase solubility of a solid include: 1. increasing the temperature 2. increasing the amount of surface area - grind or crush.

19.2 Concentration In chemistry, it is important to know the exact concentration of a solution—that is the exact amount of solute dissolved in a given amount of solvent.