Sixth Grade…… And Beyond! Einstein Class of 2022! Sixth Grade…… And Beyond!
Agenda Important Student Skills Parent support Shoreline graduation requirements College recommended classes High school credit options at Einstein Math pathway
Skills for School, Skills for Life The skills you learn in Elementary and Middle School set you up for success in High school and beyond. Not just reading, writing, math 21st Century Skills Want all kids to think beyond 7th grade. When does it count? It all counts!!
ATTITUDE Students’ attitudes towards school is partly based on what they believe about their ability to learn At Einstein we practice “Growth Mindset” When you believe you can shape and grow your basic qualities, you have a “growth mindset.” Researchers tell us that youth with growth mindsets are more likely to have brighter futures than those who don’t have this belief. Kids can manage life’s challenges and reach great success with three things: effort, adjusting strategies and seeking help.
Effort in the form of perseverance. Your students will struggle Effort in the form of perseverance. Your students will struggle. Teach them to problem solve---to identify and use the resources they have available (their class notes, text books, teacher websites, teachers, counselor, classmates) and ask for help!
Problem Solving Your students will have to problem-solve….and not just in math. They will have to problem solve with friends, while working in groups, when wondering how to make up missed work. Take them through the problem-solving process. What is the problem What is the plan (and who is responsible for what) What happened when the plan was carried out? What needs to be adjusted? Don’t let them give up after one failed attempt! Stick with it and try something different.---Your kids have already heard me say this—Don’t doubt your ability. Doubt your strategy. And adjust what strategies are not working. And ask for help…
Communication For some students asking for help is a very scary concept. One of the easiest ways to to try this out is to email the teacher from home. Sit by your student while they type the email. Help them get in the habit of reaching out by themselves. Encourage them to ask questions after class, after school or during PRIDE. Then shift to asking questions in class.
High school classes at Einstein What’s the big deal???
2021 + ✕ ✕ ✕ The high school graduation requirements have changed and there is a little less wiggle room for your students to fit all of the classes they are passionate about into their schedule. The change in graduation requirements are meant to guide students to take course loads that make them career and college ready. When you’re looking at this chart also keep in mind that colleges prefer students to take 4 years of math and 2-4 years of world language which take up more elective spots. Differences are in Science (still 3 years required but only 2 have to be lab sciences), Art (1 to 2 years) and World Language (1 to 2 years)
Options at Einstein World Language Each year of language = one year of high school language Ex: Spanish 1 at Einstein = Spanish 1 at Shorewood Algebra Geometry Each of these classes can earn you one year of high school credit towards your high school graduation requirements.
Moving credits to high school? Satisfied vs. Credit No grade on high school transcript Allows a student to move to next level (e.g. to next class in math sequence or from year one to year two of a language) Will not count towards high school graduation requirements There is a difference between using a class to move on to the next level and using a class for a credit.
Moving credits to high school? Satisfied vs. Credit The class grade becomes a permanent part of the high school transcript Counts towards high school graduation requirements How to: Contact high school counselor in 10th/11th grade to request a middle school class be counted for credit
Shoreline Math Pathways Ultimately, colleges want to see your student take 4 years of math. This is possible regardless of which math pathway your student is in. However, the only way for students to access both Pre-Calculus and at least one year of Calculus in high school is by being in the Advanced Pathway (in green) or the Accelerated High Cap Pathway (in yellow) Additional Advanced Math Classes at Shorewood: UW Pre-Calculus, Calculus AB, Calculus BC, AP Statistics
Einstein Math Pathways The way to access the Advanced Math pathway at Einstein is for your student to take Compression Math in 7th grade (green column) Your students may have told you this already but Compression combines both 7th and 8th grade math into one year. It moves at a fast pace, basically covering a lesson a week with an assessment at the end of each. This class will prepare your student to take Algebra in 8th grade, a high school credit math course. Math is a struggle no matter what class your student chooses. When they falter, remind them—Don’t doubt your ability! Doubt your strategies! Math does not end when your student leaves the classroom. Reviewing notes, doing extra practice problems, studying more than a day in advance of a test, asking questions when confused—that is how your student will succeed in math both at middle school and beyond.
You are not locked in! Students can start language in 7th, 8th OR high school Students can change their minds year to year About standard or honors classes they want to take About yearlong vs. semester electives While taking high school credit classes at Einstein may open up more opportunities to take other electives at Shorewood there are still A LOT of choices each year for all students. Students can start language in 7th, 8th or in high school! Students in advanced math pathways can slow down (eg, retake Algebra in high school or go from Compression to Math 8 in 8th grade) if the struggle becomes too overwhelming. Conversely, students can accelerate in math if they want to move into more advanced math classes faster! The state allows students to take Algebra and Geometry in the same year (both at school or Algebra at school and Geometry on-line). Finally, even if a student takes no honors classes at middle school, they can still sign up for honors in high school. And vice versa! If a student takes honors at Einstein but wants to switch to all standard in 9th grade, they can!
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