Toledo Public Schools 2008 - 2009 Performance Report
Toledo Public Schools Achieves Continuous Improvement TPS remains in Continuous Improvement in 2008-2009 Continuous Improvement 50%-74.9% of Indicators or Performance Index of 80-89* or Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) or Value Added Growth Academic Watch 31%-49.9% of Indicators or Performance Index of 70-79* Academic Emergency 0%-30.9% of Indicators and Performance Index 0-69*
TPS District Ratings Academic Watch Continuous Improvement 06-07 07-08 08-09 5 Indicators 6 Indicators PI 79.1 PI 80.1 PI 81.0 Academic Watch Continuous Improvement
Indicators Achieved on Local Report Card 2008-2009 OAT Writing (Grade 4) 75.4% OGT Reading (Grade 10) 77.9% OGT Writing (Grade 10) 88.7% OGT Reading (Grade 11) 87.5% OGT Writing (Grade 11) 88.6% Attendance 94.9%
Additional Highlights
20 Schools Reach AYP Beverly Burroughs BTI Crossgates Edgewater Elmhurst Glendale-Feilbach Grove Patterson Harvard Larchmont Lincoln McKinley Old Orchard Old West End Ottawa River Raymer Start Stewart Toledo Early College High School Toledo Technology Academy
38 Schools Attain Continuous Improvement or Higher Excellent Elmhurst Harvard Start TECHS TTA Effective Continuous Improvement Arlington Beverly Edgewater Grove Patterson Navarre Oakdale OWE Academy Ottawa River Waite Birmingham Bowsher Burroughs BTI Byrnedale Chase Crossgates Garfield Glendale-Feilbach Hawkins Humanities Keyser Larchmont Lincoln Longfellow McKinley Old Orchard Raymer Reynolds Rogers SMART Stewart Walbridge Whittier
5 Schools Receive Excellent Rating Elmhurst 94.2% 4th grade Writing Met AYP Performance Index = 99.1 Met 8 out of 10 Indicators Harvard 97.5% 3rd grade Math Performance Index = 101.1 Met 10 out of 12 Indicators Start 96.3% 10th grade Writing Performance Index = 102.2 Met 11 out of 12 Indicators TECHS 100% Proficient in Reading and Writing in 10th grade and Reading, Writing, Math and SS in 11th grade Performance Index = 110.1 Met 11 out of 11 Indicators TTA Sixth year rated as Excellent Performance Index = 108.0 100% Proficient in Writing in 10th grade and Reading, Writing, Math and Science in 11th grade Met 12 of 12 indicators
2008-2009 Indicators Performance Index Adequate Yearly Progress No Child Left Behind
Performance Index Performance Index Score: One composite score for a school or district calculated by combining scores across all performance levels, tested grades and subjects.
Value Added A growth model that analyzes student test scores to determine the impact teachers and schools have on students’ academic performance over time The district’s overall Value Added rating is above expected growth.
31 Schools Above Expected Gains Arlington Beverly Birmingham Burroughs Chase East Side Central Edgewater Fulton Garfield Glendale-Feilbach Grove Patterson Hale Harvard Hawkins Keyser Lagrange Longfellow Marshall McKinley McTigue Navarre Oakdale Old Orchard Old West End Ottawa River Raymer Reynolds Riverside Rosa Parks Sherman Whittier