live Writing sample process The colored index card in your FYI folder corresponds to the building and floor where you’ll be completing the Live English Writing Sample and/or Math Entrance Exam: Red - Classroom Building Blue - 3rd floor of Activities East (ACE) Yellow – 2nd floor of Activities East (ACE) White – 3rd floor of Activities East (Alumni Room)
Fyi Writing sample Reviewed by writing faculty to determine ENG placement ENG 120 is the beginning course in our composition sequence ENG 121, in the fall, is an accelerated composition course Students selected for ENG 121 will be counseled by writing faculty during the advising session
optional math entrance exam Students intending to become teachers are required to take a Concepts and Processes sequence. For students in elementary and special education, the regular sequence is three courses, Math 130-132. There is an alternate two-course honors version, Math 140-141, which requires an entrance exam. Students interested in majoring in Math for Teaching or Math/Science for Teaching should start a Concepts and Processes sequence their first year; since Mat 140 is only offered in the fall, these students are encouraged to take the entrance exam at FYI.