Session 1 What is CyberSense?
Evidence shows that preventative education programmes, such as CyberSense, deliver the greatest impact when the wider community is engaged in the programme.
CyberSense has been designed to raise awareness of cyber-bullying CyberSense has been designed to raise awareness of cyber-bullying. It provides children with the skills to recognise, respond to and report cyber-bullying, whilst promoting safe use of social media and the internet. The resource includes a range of interactive multi-media activities, covering important topics such as self esteem, peer pressure and the impact of gaming. Explanation of what CyberSense is and what their children are doing in school
Safe – keep yourself safe Educate – learn about how the web works Use Your CyberSense! Safe – keep yourself safe Educate – learn about how the web works Network – think about who can help you out Support – look after each other Explain – tell someone if you are worried about something online Introduction
Safe. What is e-safety/online safety all about Safe What is e-safety/online safety all about? Empowering children and young people to keep themselves safe when online Encouraging them to be responsible users of technology Engaging children and young people to recognise the risks and benefits of online communication - and safeguarding - in a digital world E-Safety 3 E’s to build up skills in young people- CyberSense programme develops these skills
Pupils should be taught to: Safe Educate Network Support Explain Key stage 1 Pupils should be taught to: Use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private. Know where to go for help and support when they have concerns about material on the internet. Key stage 2 Use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly. Know a range of ways to report concerns and inappropriate behaviour. Why the resource is important-Ofsted expectations
Educate Gaming Gaming is a fun and sociable way to spend time, encouraging teamwork and developing skills. All good stuff, but there are a few things you need to be aware of: Let’s watch one of the films from CyberSense ‘What harm can it do?’ CyberSense scenario to open discussion and raise awareness – watch Gaming cyber-story: ‘What harm can it do?’ – link
What do you need to know? Educate Find out what type of games your child enjoys and making sure they’re appropriate for their age. Some games let children play and chat with anyone in the world. This means they might come across offensive language and bullying. Not everyone online is who they say they are. Children should avoid giving out personal details that could identify them or their location Some games encourage players to buy extra elements during the game – children have been known to run up large bills without realising. In extreme cases, bullying, also known as ‘griefing’, can be used as a tactic to win games. Children may find themselves either bullying or being or or or bullied.
Educate OPTIONAL Statistics – gaming increases with age and is used more widely by boys
The impact of playing online games such as Grand Theft Auto Educate The impact of playing online games such as Grand Theft Auto Discussions with boys in years 6, 7 and 8. “It’s harmless really, but the women are slags and there are some girls, not many but some, who are a bit like that in school – yeah, they post loads of stuff that’s really like suggestive, you know asking for it, they’re slappers really.” “I love scaring the sh*t out of people and shooting lots of randomers!” “They are just hookers anyway so they deserve to be shot because they are slags!” Shocking statements- additional slide that can be used for parents or removed: GTA is rated 18 so should not even have been seen by these boys, but remember children often see what older siblings or friend’s siblings are playing
Additional slide - Look at the guidance and ratings for games. www Additional slide - Look at the guidance and ratings for games! – a useful resource for parents
Additional slide – This is an example of the standard PEGI rating that you will see on all games but note the information shown does not give details of the level of violence etc in the game, so you might be happy for your 10 year old to see this…
Creativity in injuring and killing is encouraged and rewarded Creativity in injuring and killing is encouraged and rewarded. You can hurt a bear by slamming a car door on its head, jumping on it, and impaling it with sharp weapons. If you do let them play this – this is what they might see.