University Exam 2016-09-08 at 2.30 – 5.30 p.M. L1 DO NOT ENTER the exam hall before you are allowed to. Use every second seat. A student can not participate in an exam without registering in WebOodi (the exam will not be graded). Exam time is always 3 hours! Tdk/Fac Tunniste / Code Tentti/Exam ECTS cr Hours Rivi/ Row TST/Sov&lask mat ITEE/Appl&Comp Mat 031021P Tilastomatematiikka (10) /Probability and Mathematical Statistics 5 3 14 TTK/TUTA koulutus FTech/IEM education 555264P Työhyvinvoinnin ja työelämän hallinta (7) /Managing well-being and quality of working life 10 555331S Tilaus-toimitusketjun johtaminen (1) /Advanced Supply Chain Management 7 OyKKK OBS 721194S Advanced Cost Accounting (3) /Advanced Cost Accounting 6 16 721342S Game Theory (11) /Game Theory 17 721960S Financial Risk Management (16) /Financial Risk Management 13 724205A Jakelukanavat ja kaupan ketjuliiketoiminta (15) /Distribution and Retail Management 12 LuTK/Biologia FSci/Biology 756353A Kasvien kehitysbiologia (1) /Plant developmental biology 8 KaTK OMS 772675S Geophysics in economic geology (4) /Geophysics in economic geology 11
University Exam 2016-09-08 at 2.30 – 5.30 p.M. L1 DO NOT ENTER the exam hall before you are allowed to. Use every second seat. A student can not participate in an exam without registering in WebOodi (the exam will not be graded). Exam time is always 3 hours! Tdk/Fac Tunniste / Code Tentti/Exam ECTS cr Hours Rivi/ Row KaTK OMS 773322A Maaperägeologinen malminetsintä (7) Surficial geology in ore exploration 5 3 9 LuTK/Kemia FSci/Chemistry 780112P / 780116P Johdatus orgaaniseen kemiaan (8) Introduction to Organic Chemistry 4 780123P / 780127P Kemian perustyöt (3) Introductory Laboratory Works in Chemistry 2 780326A / 783650S Johdatus polymeerikemiaan (2) Introduction to Polymer Chemistry 781303A / 780347A Fysikaalinen kemia I (20) Physical Chemistry I 5-6 5,6 783650S Johdatus polymeerikemiaan (1) Introduction to Chemistry 783652S Orgaanisten polymeerimateriaalien kemia (2) Chemistry of Organic Polymer Materials 1 LuTK/Matem. FSci/Mathematic s 802635S Introduction to partial differential equations (1) Introduction to partial differential equations 10 15 1.5.2018