The importance of Self-care during your job search Norah Charles, L.Ac. Boulder Acupuncture and Herbs
your job search and your health Whether you are… Looking for a new job in your field Switching careers Underemployed or unemployed Your mental and physical health are impacted by your job search. Today I will help you develop an action plan built around what matters most now and in the future—your wellbeing.
Health risks during unemployment Employment stress can bring significant mental and physical health challenges. Research shows that unemployment can lead to increases in Cardiovascular disease, including high blood pressure Cholesterol levels Insomnia Depression Substance abuse Long or repeated periods of unemployment have the strongest impact on your overall health.
Self-care is the key to staying well What can you do to keep yourself healthy during your job search? Develop a self-care plan. Today we will talk about how to keep your body, mind, and spirit healthy, positive, and active during your job search so that when you DO get a job, you will bring your best self to the position.
What is self-care?
Self-care is about you Self-care is Showing yourself loving kindness Putting your authentic needs first Keeping your perspective in high-stress situations Developing boundaries Valuing yourself outside of your work role Understanding what you have to offer Connecting with your core values Nurturing yourself through tough times Celebrating all that you have accomplished so far Self-care is the gift of honest, personalized, meaningful attention you give YOURSELF.
A holistic view of health Physical Mental Spiritual
Exercise Sleep Diet Physical self-care
Mood Relationships Creativity MENTAL SELF-CARE
Contemplation Service Ritual SPIRITUAL SELF-CARE
Your self-care plan is DYNAMIC. It is… Flexible Personalized Reflective of your current values Meaningful, not rote FUN! Your self-care plan is living, which means it changes with you. Once you land your next position, take the time to reevaluate and update your plan so that you are able to keep work in perspective.