Spring Into Springfield Why You Can’t Afford to Miss National Convention
About me Skylar Buffington Life Member, Beta Sigma Chapter Past NCD President Purdue University, Industrial Management/Operations Management IT Application Administration at Dell, Inc. in Austin, TX Candidate for National VPCR
About you! First Convention? Second? Third? Fourth? Candidate? Active? Conditional? Alumni/Life? Studying Music Education? Music Performance? STEM? Humanities? Been to a National Convention? 100% likely to go to NatCon 2013? 75% likely to go? 50%? 25%? Love Tau Beta Sigma?
Overview What is National Convention? Who You’ll Meet What You’ll Learn How You Can Get Involved Where to find funds to go How much will it cost? Q&A
National Convention 2013 What is National Convention? National Intercollegiate Band (NIB) Sunday, July 21st – Tuesday, July 23rd National Convention Tuesday, July 23rd – Sunday, July 28th Due Dates NIB Application - Friday, April 12th Convention Registration - Sunday, June 7th
Who You’ll Meet Sisters and Brothers from Across the Country Dignitaries! NIB Guest Composer, Guest Conductor, Musicians New lifelong friends, professional connections
What You’ll Learn Workshops, Presentations, Panels Past National Presidents Panel Keynote Speakers Campuspeak’s Motivational Speakers Women In Music Speakers National History Presentation
Get Involved In Your Future Sit as a delegate! 2011: 57 official delegates, 85 proxies, 2 life Elections – National Council & Board of Trustees Constitution Changes, Biannual Budget Ritual Changes National President’s Essay Contest ($$$) Composing Our Future ($$$)
How to find the Moolah! Your University Your Alumni Your Facebook friends Fundraising Projects
How Much Will It Cost… to Drive? Driving Price Shared by Total Per Person Hotel Room $125/night 5 nights 4 people $156.25 Gasoline $300 Round trip $75.00 Food $25/day 6 days 1 person $150.00 Shopping $50 $50.00 Registration $125 $125.00 $556.25
How Much Will It Cost… to Fly? Flying Price Shared by Total Per Person Hotel Room $125/night 5 nights 4 people $156.25 Flight $300 Round trip 1 person $300.00 Food $25/day 6 days $150.00 Shopping $50 $50.00 Registration $125 $125.00 $781.25
What’s next? Commit to Convention! Register by June 7th FYI: flight prices are the cheapest 15-30 days before departure Get your friends to go! Questions?
Thank You! Skylar Buffington Sky@TBSigma.org @RisingSkylar