Manufacturing Sector Skills Needs Assessment 2010 Survey For the Ministry of Training, Colleges & Universities
Project overview MTCU commissioned the survey and selected Eastern Ontario Manufacturers’ Network (EOMN) to assess the regional skills development needs EOMN selected Algonquin College to administer the survey Both individuals and companies were surveyed Individuals involved and/or employed in the manufacturing sector Regional companies with manufacturing-related industry codes MTCU Skills Assessment Survey 2010 27 January 2011
Survey Area Lanark Leeds & Grenville Lennox & Addington Ottawa Prescott & Russell Renfrew (parts of) Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry MTCU Skills Assessment Survey 2010 27 January 2011
Goals The MTCU’s goal: Better understand the skills needed to: Enhance training effectiveness in the region Make skills more readily available in the region Support regional economic growth MTCU Skills Assessment Survey 2010 27 January 2011
manufacturing overview MTCU Skills Assessment Survey 2010 manufacturing overview MTCU Skills Assessment Survey 2010 27 January 2011
Manufacturing Matters In Canada, manufacturing comprises 30% of GDP and 10% of employment In Ontario, manufacturing comprises 38% of GDP and 12% of employment Ontario is the second largest manufacturing jurisdiction in North America, second to California MTCU Skills Assessment Survey 2010 27 January 2011
Manufacturing Matters Our Survey Region manufacturing sector comprises: ~600 companies <30,000 employees in the next 3 years: manufacturers plan to hire ~5% new employees population is expected to increase 3% MTCU Skills Assessment Survey 2010 27 January 2011
Survey overview MTCU Skills Assessment Survey 2010 27 January 2011
All Sectors Appropriately Represented Industry Code Industry Sector Eastern Ontario Companies Survey Respondents Number % 334 Computer and electronic product manufacturing 165 28.3% 29.6% 40 332 Fabricated metal product manufacturing 69 11.8% 11.1% 15 323 Printing and related support activities 44 7.5% 4.4% 6 339 Miscellaneous manufacturing 42 7.2% 5.9% 8 333 Machinery manufacturing 38 6.5% 5.2% 7 336 Transportation equipment manufacturing 32 5.5% 6.7% 9 321 Wood product manufacturing 28 4.8% 325 Chemical manufacturing 26 4.5% 326 Plastics and rubber products manufacturing 335 Electrical equipment, appliance and component manufacturing 19 3.3% 314 Textile product mills 2.6% 0.7% 1 315 Clothing manufacturing 14 2.4% 2.2% 3 331 Primary Metal Manufacturing 13 1.5% 2 337 Furniture and related product manufacturing 3.7% 5 311 Food manufacturing 12 2.1% 3.0% 4 327 Non-metallic mineral product manufacturing 322 Paper manufacturing 1.4% 0.0% 316 Leather and allied product manufacturing 313 Textile mills 0.3% 324 Petroleum and coal products manufacturing (not identified) 18 Grand Total 584 100.0% 153 MTCU/EOMN survey As per Industry Canada MTCU Skills Assessment Survey 2010 27 January 2011
All Municipalities Appropriately Represented Municipality Eastern Ontario Companies Survey Respondents Number % Ottawa 399 68.3% 88 65.2% Leeds and Grenville 53 9.1% 12 8.9% Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry 39 6.7% 11 8.1% Renfrew County 37 6.3% Prescott and Russell 30 5.1% 5 3.7% Lanark County 26 4.5% 8 5.9% (not identified) 18 Grand Total 584 100.0% 153 MTCU/EOMN survey As per Industry Canada MTCU Skills Assessment Survey 2010 27 January 2011
Survey Results MTCU Skills Assessment Survey 2010 27 January 2011
Survey Region Manufacturing Sectors MTCU Skills Assessment Survey 2010 27 January 2011
Company Size Almost 50% are <20 employees MTCU Skills Assessment Survey 2010 27 January 2011
Skills Needed by Employees Categories From most needed to least needed: Communication Quality Management Supply Chain Operation Management Business Management Advanced Manufacture Green Technology Health & Safety Technical Trade Specific Most needed “Soft skills” are most needed Least needed MTCU Skills Assessment Survey 2010 27 January 2011
Topic: Preferred Training Methods In order of preference: On job 82% On site 59% Online 36% Focused topics 36% In class 32% Apprenticeship programs 30% Conferences 28% Hybrid 24% Most preferred Least preferred MTCU Skills Assessment Survey 2010 27 January 2011
Skills Priorities When Hiring In order of Importance: Engineering 46% Computer & Electronics 39% Specific Skills 38% Technical Diploma 34% Quality Management 31% General Business 21% Supply Chain Management 16% Business Management 15% Other 22% Most important Least important MTCU Skills Assessment Survey 2010 27 January 2011
Individual Preference vs. Company Need Preferred Sector Corporate % Individual % Surplus / (Shortage) % Computer / Electronic 19 50 31 Metal Products 13 20 7 Machinery / Equipment 11 8 (4) Wood Products (8) Paper / Printing 4 2 (2) Food Processing Textiles / Clothing Petroleum / Chemical 1 5 Other 38 15 Disconnect MTCU Skills Assessment Survey 2010 27 January 2011
Geographic Diversity of Needs Main Categories Ottawa Lanark Leeds & Grenville Prescott & Russell Renfrew Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry Communication ■ ■ Quality Management ■ Advanced Manufacturing Operations Management Supply Chain Business Green Technology Technical Trade Specific Safety & Health MTCU Skills Assessment Survey 2010 27 January 2011
Geographic Diversity of Needs Four Most Important Skills In each Municipality Trade-specific skills Ottawa Lanark Leeds & Grenville Prescott & Russell Renfrew Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry General Assembly ■ Machinist Millwright Carpentry Electronics Assembly Soldering Tool Die Making Welding Mould Making Precision Sheet Metal Mechanic Medical Device Assembly MTCU Skills Assessment Survey 2010 27 January 2011
Feedback on Apprenticeship Programs Used the program 31 Not applicable 21 Applicable and not used 59 Unaware of set-up process 20 Lack of funding 12 Lack of suitable location 8 Other reasons 24 Program is underutilized MTCU Skills Assessment Survey 2010 27 January 2011
Survey Results Summary There are 600 manufacturing companies in Survey Region of Eastern Ontario 5% hiring expected in next 3 years Significant difference between individual employment wishes and corporate hiring needs must be addressed Significant training is needed to enhance productivity and find employees MTCU Skills Assessment Survey 2010 27 January 2011
Survey Results Summary - 2 Training priorities vary by municipality A variety of training approaches is needed The apprenticeship program is underutilized and not well understood by companies Most manufacturing companies are small but excluded from financial support programs Education funding needs to support business needs, not just what the students want MTCU Skills Assessment Survey 2010 27 January 2011
Next Steps Develop an implementation plan, possibly in conjunction with the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, to: Promote manufacturing as a career choice in the High Schools Promote the need for manufacturing skills training in colleges and universities. MTCU Skills Assessment Survey 2010 27 January 2011
Next Steps Provide on-going survey support to: Maintain knowledge of the size of the manufacturing industry in Eastern Ontario and its contribution to the GDP Determine key concerns for the manufacturing community Explore the key concerns of the manufacturing community from a training perspective. MTCU Skills Assessment Survey 2010 27 January 2011
Next Steps Enhance Work Experience Opportunities during training: Investigate and address Apprenticeship Program issues to increase corporate participation and successful apprentice completion. Increase co-op program availability and use so that non-trades students have access to work experience development. MTCU Skills Assessment Survey 2010 27 January 2011
MTCU Skills Assessment Survey 2010 Thank you Visit us on the web at Our videos of this survey are on YouTube at MTCU Skills Assessment Survey 2010 27 January 2011