Please take out the following: February 10 & 11, 2016 Please take out the following: ¼ Sheet for Quiz #9 Handwritten Notes Name Period Quiz #9 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Homework Read p. 761-765 p. 765 #3,4,6 Reading Quiz #10 Next Class Textbooks Next Class? No
Quote of the Day “.” - Il Duce “The Leader”
Today’s Main Ideas Finish Propaganda Posters Mussolini Video Fascism & Communism Comparisons Fascism according to Mussolini
Be Creative/Have Fun/Take Risks Now its your turn… Select a person Must be a REAL person Can be living or deceased Should be well-known by the class Create a propaganda poster for that person Try to use techniques that you saw in the Stalin propaganda You may also add new techniques Be ready to discuss your poster to the class Be Creative/Have Fun/Take Risks
Fascism & Mussolini Video “Mussolini: Italy’s Nightmare” A&E Biography Start-25:00 (25 minutes) Video Questions Handout
p. 758 Fascism
p. 758 & 760 Fascism Communism
Fascism According to Mussolini Handout Read & Annotate Will be part of your homework packet How does Mussolini define fascism?
Mussolini’s Fascism
Cool Down #3 Answer the following in your 3-Ring Binders: Two Paragraphs/Proper Grammar The slogan of fascist Italy was “Believe, Obey, Fight!” What 3-word slogan would you create for democratic U.S.? Why? Fascist Italy urged women to win the “battle of motherhood”; women who had 14 children received a medal from Mussolini. Why was such importance placed on having many children? Is that a good strategy? Why or why not?
Homework Read p. 761-765 p. 765 #3,4,6 Reading Quiz #10 Next Class Textbooks Next Class? No