Warm-up #15: What is the Cartoon Saying. Is it painting the U. S Warm-up #15: What is the Cartoon Saying? Is it painting the U.S. in a Positive light?
Essential Question What events lead to the start of World War II?
Rise of Fascism WWI forced governments to assume large amounts of control. Powerful leaders who promise better futures arise. Beginnings of totalitarian states Nation in which the government controls every aspect of citizen’s lives Dictators
Fascist Italy Lower class resisting wealthy elite Workers in cities on strike Italy did not gain much in Treaty of Versailles
Benito Mussolini and fascist party come to power Fascism: glorifies nation over self and dedication to a strong leader Elections and political parties weaken Private property okay War and violence okay as long as it is to promote national goals Silenced critics, controlled schools, secret police
Italy takes over Ethiopia League of Nations tries to intervene, but has no real power Place economic sanctions Restricts weapons and raw materials sale Does not cut off sale of oil, coal, or iron
What were the conditions like in Germany after WWI?
Germany Democratic government (Weimar Republic) set up after WWI faces frequent turmoil: Threat of revolution Economic ruin/Huge debts Hyper Inflation Reparations 1930’s – Great Depression world wide, hit GER hard. Unemployment
German Inflation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiSFXt-Ogm4
Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler lead National Socialist (Nazi) Party. Criticized and ignored Treaty of Versailles Charismatic speaker “Germany today, the World tomorrow” Uses Propaganda Writes Mein Kampf (My Struggle) when in prison. Outline beliefs of Nazi Party
1933: becomes Chancellor of Germany Began building up the military, ignoring the Treaty of Versailles Gives himself title “Der Fuhrer” (the leader) Create Third Reich (Empire)
Nazi Party Core beliefs Nationalism: Germans part of superior Aryan race. Anti-Semitism: blamed Jews for Germany’s defeat in WWI and current econ. problems. Fascism: Violence and strong government control needed to advance Germany Anti-communist Eliminated other political parties Controlled every aspect of GER life
Warm Up # 16 What conditions lead to more Fascist and Totalitarian leaders in Europe?
Warm Up # 17 What are 2 things that you learned from the video last time? -Hint: look at your video question on pg. 9
Reminders Appeasement Thesis Statement already due Friday April 21st Project Fixes Due Wednesday April 26th Unit 6 Test Unit 6 Workbook Due Unit 6 Overview Due
Nazi Rule Secret Police Controlled press, schools, and churches Strengthened German Men Preached hard work, sacrifice, and service to state Employed men in building program and military Anti-Jewish campaign Concentration camps
Nazi Aggression 1936: GER sends troops into the Rhineland. 1938: GER annexes Austria World responds with policy of appeasement Making concessions to an aggressor in order to keep peace. Other nations have no money or desire to enter conflict Gave GER part of Czechoslovakia where many Germans lived. Hitler takes the rest 6 months later.
Munich Conference 1938 – Hitler promised to settle future disputes with negotiations and not take any more land by force.
Germany Builds Allies 1939 – GER and Soviet Union sign non-aggression treaty. Would not attack each other GER wants to gain Poland, now eliminates threat from other side
The Path to War 1920’s and 30’s: European nations struggle to recover from WW1. Economic hardships Political unrest Fear of revolution (like in Russia)
The Politics of Hunter 1. In early March 1919, General Herbert Plumer, commander of the British Army of Occupation, informed Prime Minister Lloyd George that his men were begging to be sent home; they could no longer stand the sight of "hordes of skinny and bloated children pawing over the offal" from the British camps. 2. A German child who was ten years old in 1918, and who survived, was twenty-two in 1930. Vincent raises the question of whether the miseries and suffering from hunger in the early, formative years help account to some degree for the enthusiasm of German youth for Nazism later on.
League of Nations League of Nations exists to keep peace among countries. Has no real power No money No military No U.S.
The Century: Civilians at War pg. 9 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMWYblZ8gwQ&t=400s 3rd Period: 28:58 6th Period: 32:50 7th Period: 34:00 Skip from 32:45 – 49:55
Essential Question What events lead to the start of World War II?