Starter for 5! What does the term akhirah mean (Islam)? Which angel will sound the trumpet to signal the end of the world (Islam)? Give three ways heaven can be described by Christians. Which quote shows we should look after God’s creation? Which quote suggests abortion/euthanasia might be acceptable?
Starter for 5! What does the term akhirah mean (Islam)? This means eternal/everlasting life after death – the afterlife. Which angel will sound the trumpet to signal the end of the world (Islam)? Israfil Give three ways heaven can be described by Christians. Place of reward, peace, happiness, being with God. Which quote shows we should look after God’s creation? ‘Till and keep the land.’ Which quote suggests abortion/euthanasia might be acceptable? ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’
The Afterlife Learning Objective: To explore Christian and Muslim beliefs about the afterlife. I can communicate my own views on the afterlife. I can review Christian and Muslim beliefs about the afterlife. I can evaluate whether it is reasonable to believe in life after death.
What do you think? Stand by the statement around the room that best matches your view on the afterlife. What made you choose this statement? What evidence do you have? As students are stood around the room question them on their choices – class discussion.
The Afterlife Learning Objective: To explore Christian and Muslim beliefs about the afterlife. I can communicate my own views on the afterlife. I can review Christian and Muslim beliefs about the afterlife. I can evaluate whether it is reasonable to believe in life after death.
Remember Remember!!! Play a kahoot with students to see how much they can remember about the afterlife.
The Afterlife Learning Objective: To explore Christian and Muslim beliefs about the afterlife. I can communicate my own views on the afterlife. I can review Christian and Muslim beliefs about the afterlife. I can evaluate whether it is reasonable to believe in life after death.
Christian Quotes on the Afterlife Before evaluating whether it is reasonable to believe in an afterlife make sure students are able to give Christian quotes on this – discuss their meaning and get students to write these in their books.
You need to argue your case persuasively ready to present. Room 101 ‘It is not reasonable to believe in life after death.’ What do you think? You are going to pick one piece of evidence for the afterlife to go in the Room 101 bin and one piece of evidence you think should stay because it is the most convincing. Choose from the following evidence: Show students the clip from Room 101. They are going to be writing their own Room 101 speeches for the evidence they think should go in the Room 101 bin as being the least convincing and argue which piece of evidence deserves to stay. They already know about the Bible and the Qur’an. They just need to use the information packs about Ian and Crystal before they start to learn about their experiences. The evidence in the Bible, e.g. Resurrection of Jesus and Apostles Creed Ian McCormack Crystal McVae The evidence in the Qur’an You need to argue your case persuasively ready to present.
The Afterlife Learning Objective: To explore Christian and Muslim beliefs about the afterlife. I can communicate my own views on the afterlife. I can review Christian and Muslim beliefs about the afterlife. I can evaluate whether it is reasonable to believe in life after death.
Your homework is to complete the Religion and Life Revision Mind Map. It needs to be completed in detail and it needs to include key quotes and examples from the unit.