1920s: Rise of Dictators
I. Totalitarian States New form of dictatorship B. Governments controlled all parts of citizens’ lives 1. Used propaganda to control what people thought C. single political party (group that has a common belief about government) with a single leader D. No individual freedoms Collective good is more important than individuals promised to serve people better than democracy and defense against communism form of nationalistic, militaristic totalitarianism Fascism controlled every aspects of people’s lives news reports, religion, and politics promised to serve people better than democracy and defense against communism Benito Mussolini established first Fascist dictatorship in Italy - 1922
The state controlled all parts of people’s lives To have control over the youth is to have control over the future.
II. Fascism in Italy A. First fascist government 1. Early 1920s 2 II. Fascism in Italy A. First fascist government 1. Early 1920s 2. Created by Benito Mussolini – “Il Duce” = the leader B. State is more important than individuals C. Strong central government with one dictator D. Fascists supported Mussolini against communists 1. Used “Black Shirts” to enforce E. Outlawed all opposition Used nationalism to make Italians like him – demanding more land from peace treaties of WWI When he got enough backing/power, he forced the Italian King to make him Prime Minister Added extra powers to his position until he could pass laws by decree and police had authority to arrest anyone
III. Basic Elements of Fascism A III. Basic Elements of Fascism A. together we are stronger individually we are weak 1. collective group more important than individual B. authoritarian government = people don’t control C. “Messiah” complex – present self as a god-like D. against the “other” = undesirable group 1. “nationalist” – in favor of the nation over others 2. promote as having superior ideas E. use force or violence to intimidate 1. often has uniforms
IV. Soviet Union Under Stalin A. Early 1920s – millions died during famine 1. 1924 – Vladimir Lenin died Joseph Stalin took complete control B. 1928 – First Five Year Plan 1. Set of economic goals 2. Emphasized industrialization 3. Increased output of heavy machinery, oil, and steel - Under Stalin - Urban housing and lower wages made life more difficult
C. Collectivized agriculture 1. Government took over ownership of private farms D. People that resisted were sent to Gulags, Siberia, or executed
A. In his youth, developed ideas that guided him V. Adolph Hitler A. In his youth, developed ideas that guided him 1. Belief in greatness of German nation 2. Increased racism, especially anti-Semitism (Jews) 3. Need for struggle – Social Darwinism / survival of the fittest B. 1921 – control of National Socialist German Workers’ Party – Nazi 1. Used the SA / Storm Troopers / Brown Shirts to enforce C. Wrote Mein Kampf (My Struggle) in jail 1. statement of his basic ideas Born in Austria – failure in secondary school and traveled to Vienna Talented in knowing how to use political parties, propaganda, and terror – used talent to spread his message and movement Went to Germany in WWI, and stayed there after the War November 1923 – staged an uprising against the government – Beer Hall Putsch – put in prison